Camo (non-hex) "Torment"

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by Carter, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Carter Member

    Glad to hear it's wanted :-D

    I've narrowed down the color schemes. Usually a faction is one color, with a highlight (nc- blue main, yellow highlight). - I flipped them bc I like it different.

    Also have a [faction color] + [grey] version. (TR doesn't have much choice. It's pretty much staying as-is). Just worried it might look too much like the Hyper in game.

    Poll - You, as customers, prefer which? (Or they all suck and go back to basic black and one color)

  2. bodmans New Member

    Personally I think the second NC one looks better, though I have my doubts on the VS one, the teal(or whatever it may be) puts more emphasis on the design, instead of just the raw shapes
  3. Carter Member

    Cool. Finally went from "Valid" to "Pending Content".
  4. McFluff Active Member

    Vs should have teal, Nc Grey, and Tr, well, as you said not much of a choice
  5. Carter Member

    I'm sure they'll change it to their own preferences in the end. Suggestions can be made, but it's ultimately not my call to make...that's if it even gets past "pending content". They might think this as Halloween, and Syrah/Rick already posted that they weren't accepting anymore.
  6. bodmans New Member

    Can you post the version you gave them here?
  7. Carter Member

    Can't. Gtx 680 died and waiting for RMA to complete. Using cell phone.
  8. Nicococo Active Member

    Oh that sucks :S Which Nvidia partner did you buy the card from?
  9. Carter Member

    Thankfully it was EVGA. Awesome customer service. Should have the new card today.

    Also, Bodmans, if you have access to the submission forums, it should be posted there.
  10. Nicococo Active Member

    Oh yeah EVGA is great in that sense. Good thing you got all that sorted out :)
  11. Carter Member

    Moved from pending content to Accepted.
  12. Calder Member

    Congratulations! I think this is the first Player Studio camo that I'll shell out for.
  13. Mavix Member

    Awesome that they are adding this. Here's hoping they go with the cyan for VS.
  14. Carter Member


    let's hope for Halloween :)
  15. Arctorn Member

    It is, TRay stated in the Player Studio segment on Monday that they had three halloween camos: two were pumpkins, and one was "a bunch of ghosts and stuff".
  16. Carter Member

    Awesome. Looks like sh*t in game.
  17. Mavix Member

    Yours still actually looks pretty good on several vehicles/armors/weapons in comparison to others...and it is shiny...
    By now everyone should know that you can't rely on a black background because chances are its going to be grey.

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