Possible Plate Armor Creation

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: EverQuest and EverQuest II' started by Phynster23, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Phynster23 New Member

    Anyone able to make an armor set that looks similar to [IMG]
  2. MasterMagnus Active Member

    We aren't able to make armor for any of the games.
  3. Phynster23 New Member

    people make cloth armor in EQ1 which is where i am looking for it
  4. MasterMagnus Active Member

    We are only allowed to texture over their Hero's Forge Robe Ornament model, we aren't able to make new geometry for robes.

    You may like my Bloodthirsty Robe which has been Completed and is coming soon to the marketplace.

  5. Corwyhn New Member

    I had asked on the EQ forums about player made armor other then robes for EQ and I recall the answer was it takes too much work to ensure the armor pieces overlay the character properly. But why can't new armor pieces for plat/leather/chain users etc be created by changing the textures on existing hero's forge armor..... ie provide templates of created from existing heros forge armor so that player studio peeps can retexture them? Sorry for the run on sentence :)
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  6. MasterMagnus Active Member

    It's a great idea, and a different attempt to make it happen.

    But as I mentioned over on the EQ forums, the robe is a special case model that they created to use the same texture and UV mapping for each race/class/gender combo.

    My educated guess is, the various race/class/gender armors use different texture MAPPINGS.

    It would still require a great deal of work from them to re-map every single race/class/gender combo.

    They just don't have the staff/resources to make it happen.

    But prove me wrong Rick! I'd love to be making some armor!

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