VS Seer, TR Omen, NC Elder

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by McFluff, May 1, 2015.

  1. McFluff Active Member

    Now that I am done with the headset trio, and have Leonidas pretty much done, I will move on to something else:
    Current progress:

  2. McFluff Active Member

  3. difra Member

    be careful with your cloths and the eyes positining
  4. McFluff Active Member

    if I make it as close as possible to the sketch would that be heading in the right direction do you think?
  5. difra Member

    i think you need to take they eyes mor to the top. and the hood mustr fall better i know thats just the start . in my opinion is it better to fix thinks like cloth early always better :D
  6. Saraf Member

    I agree with Difra.

    The Hod could really use some more subdivisions, and a bit of sculpting. Try adding a seam at the top and a couple of wrinkles. The Mask all realdy looks good, but could also use some subdivisions, and a couple of Vanu characteristics. Were are all the LED's :D

    Can't wait to see the Oman!
  7. McFluff Active Member

    Of course, this honestly took just 30 min to model, the hood is just a placeholder that only took 30seconds. Any judgements on the mask tho?
  8. Saraf Member

    (Keeping the 30min in mind :) )

    Looking at the shape of the helmet it invokes a feeling of unease, probable what you were looking for.
    I believe by changing the thickness from the top of the head to either,the neck, or equally along the hole head (just like in your concept) you can cancel this.
    In general, the hard edges remind me of NC.

    Do you know the council of owls ?
    I think you can use this as a reference for you mask.

    And one last suggestion, by shortening the mouth section or removing it, could make it look a bit more neutral.
  9. Saraf Member

    Hey McFluff

    Any updates on your Helmets ?
  10. McFluff Active Member

    Huge update on seer coming, but the mesh is broken for whatever reason, and i therefore cant get a pretty psview render
  11. McFluff Active Member

    While i try and fix that, could someone help me set up detail normals? I am kinda lost when it comes to that
  12. Saraf Member

    There are really good discussions about this all ready, for example: Player Studio App Beginners Guide, but ill try to sum it up.

    Basically, every model in Planet Side 2 has three different UV maps which are responsible for different shading effects. the 1th is for color, 2th and 3th are for the detail shading.

    Now this is were I might be wrong, so if that is the case pleas correct me. UV map tow and three, recognized the coordinates of your UV shells on UV map one, and display the corresponding detail on UV map tow and three accordingly.

    To find out what Detail map is presented were on the shader i'm using, I use a simple plane as a preview in Player Studio App.

    Pleas read the Beginners Guide, it is very helpful.
    Hope this helps.
  13. McFluff Active Member

    Hmmm... I have the second and third uvs layed out, but detail normals still fail to show up...
  14. Saraf Member

    did you try and change the Detail Frequency and Detail Strength ? they start at 20 and 0.
  15. McFluff Active Member

    ohhhh.... ok. I will play with that later today. until then, here are some quick snapshots:

    some geo needs cleaning up, and I can make the folds in the hood better and more obvious, but I think I am headed in the right direction with this.
  16. EbonNebula Member

    That Seer helmet is VERY cool. It kinda gives off a bit of a plague doctor vibe, which is really fricken VS. In fact... does this come in white?
  17. McFluff Active Member

    Thanks! I was worried here were a few too many hard edges, but i think it still works. I can try white, my only issue is that it would onlynreally match up with the medic

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