Mine is the new skins the hazmat suit looks crazy. Its real bright and will cause lots of wanted gunfights.
The leaderboards for me, i want to see how good people are, i average like 13 kills a solo win(16 is my highest) i know the ps4 community tends to be better than xbox and sometimes pc
Well your here on this forum so you must still have some interest but I hope to see you on Feb 21 and see what you got Halleckss.
Wow 13 kill avg 16 max that's good I'm about 10 but I've gotten 15 or 16 kill wins usually with the Lmg but yeah new leaderbords will be great to see who's who in this game.
I invested too much time and energy for this game and the forum (which is hard for me considering my poooooor english) I played hard, try to improve my level, I started to be very good at the end... But in the end, when I see Apex, the work they did for this game... And when I compare to H1 : Obvious bugs not fixed from the begining, poor reactivity... I m feeling a little bit mad about DB. I defended them until now, but today, i m done. I m a little bit sad, but they deserved this. Have fun btw.
Season 3 not will be very exciting because there is still slow developmentand, competition is far ahead. In this topic word "exciting" it's an exaggeration.
Is the new unlockable items emblems of some sort? They talked about it briefly,and the emblems seemed to be the only difference I've seen so far. Thoughts?
the new outfits looks sick, better than most outfits from season 1 and 2. im looking forward to a lot in this upcoming season. the new mode is interesting as well, first to 25 in battle royale, lets go!
Emblems shoot I didn't see anything about that I must have glazed over that part but yea it sounds great allow us to distinguish ourselves.
Yeah I find myself In combat training not earning XP to avoid the lobby cycle of restarting a new game. So a mode that respawns you and allows for XP gain I give 2 thumbs up.
Im not fussed by game modes or skins. Biggest thing for me is the ranked system. Would have been nice to hear about new weapons or vehicles or updates to existing map. Having fixed framerates on base and pro would also be welcomed.