refund season 3 bp

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by THACOLLECTA, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. THACOLLECTA New Member

    where can i submit for a refund? i was unaware i would be required to play solos to complete the pass. i dont play solos their boring. i would like a refund
  2. Carmen696 Member

    to complete pass? there are various challenges for all game modes and if you dont like them you can replace them
  3. THACOLLECTA New Member

    you cannot replace the weekly challenge
  4. RuTH0X Member

    They are challenges.. you dont HAVE to do it.. I HATE fives, but I did mine.. for the points.. you dont want them, dont do them..? It wont very much matter at the end.. You'll reach level 100, no worries..
  5. AlhpaBravos Member

    Its SO dumb to force people to do challenges outside of their preferred mode. You should have an option to stick to solo or duos,etc. Some of the challenges force you into fives where you have no intention of sticking with the team. So the team most likely loses just so you can complete a lame challenge. Only lazy halfwits come up with these ideas.
  6. WorstStaffEver New Member

    Your expecting too much from this dev team. They won't make a change unless you spend money.

    The only way they will add this is if you pay more money for it because these developers are parasites.

    I ended up getting a full refund from all of there crap as they did not provide the minimum service required. The lag got consistently worse so I got my bank to force a refund because these parasites were not providing the minimum required service.

    They are honestly the worst developers going. They don't even communicate with their community. Theywabkers at Daybreak won't like you forcing a refund but at the end of the day they haven't done their job so why should you pay for it?

    I can't wait for this game to be a distant memory so I can start to remember the good instead of constantly seeing the devs destroy it
  7. Cole_MacGraft Member

    i just run thee five challenges solo it was annoying but got it done. when i say solo i mean dont go in with a team at all
  8. THACOLLECTA New Member

    the issue isnt "it cant be done", the issue is i didnt signup for forced challenges to "complete" the pass why cant the challenges be solo,duo,fives? or just give the players a way to refund, but im sure thats beyond ironworks/dbg capabilities. i mean on steam they use their process, lul.
  9. Cole_MacGraft Member

    no one is forcing you to do them you can get through the pass skipping those challenges just fine. you are really just being difficult for no reason