Its needed a penalty to ballerinas and jumping players with shotguns its becoming a ridiculous gameplay. Is this fortshi7 or h1z1 get this added to next update or add some more dificulty at aiming and jumping spam.
Seriously? You’re complaining about jumping??? My lord. I thought I had seen it all. It’s a strategy. It’s a technique. I suppose everyone should just stand still and let you shoot them in the face.
You must be a ballerinas its just plaing fake *** fortnite bs if you support this kinda gameplay i guess u guys use this meta to rank like rat boys nowadays. This mecanics is way to op on high pingers i seen it. Not fair if you keep distance and... ''strategy'' looks more like jump and try hard which sucks boys
I love turning up to a fight where both players are jumping around trying to hit each other for 5 mins. I just shoot them both with a rifle. Its an idiotic mechanic imo because you can only do it with the shotgun. Keep the jump but increase the spread on those who do it.
I don't "support" it, I just don't care if people are jumping around. Once i realize someone is a "jumper " i adjust accordingly. The thread was about penalizing people who jump which I don't agree with penalizing anyone who isn't cheating.... even if jumping is dumb
People will literally find a reason to ***** no matter what, stop crying and adapt. I remember playing one of the old call of duties and I was told only noobs use attachments on their guns lol. Some of these kids need to make their own game to play by themselves as that is the only way you are going to get everything you want. This is a prime example of why bugs don’t get fixed because people bring up random stuff like this lmao
Try hards and crybabies ratboys love this jumpins bs with shotguns try that mecanics with other guns you get wreck. Guess adaptation is the excuse is just boring.
Ironic that the guy who made the post crying about not being able to shoot people who move is calling people crybabies
I don't have an issue with jumping and I admit I use it from time to time. However, I wouldn't mind if there was a speed penalty to jumping players. I play a free Steam shooter game and while it is possible to jump, one cannot bunny hop. After two or three jumps, you get slowed down for a while.
IMO i dont think a speed penalty is needed. Its already bad enough that moving left and right fast will make your player walk. Too many movement restrictions will make the game less smooth than it is. If anything, i'd be for removing or nerfing/ balancing the combat, but that could go either way. For the creator of the post, I'd say using the shotgun AND jumping is a skill, to aim and adjust to any opponent is something that takes time to really master. It would be a disservice to players who have been here since beta, to take that away from folks who have been working hard on that particular skill. It would be an unnecessary hit when it comes to game mechanics consistency, its not the meta of the game either (Riot Shotgun, Not Combat). Jumping IS needed when going up against ANY rapid fire gun hipfire from the ground, your likely to die if you miss 2-3 aimed shots compared to someone who is just SPRAYING you with hardly any aim.
Anyone can jump and shoot, but I definitely agree it takes skill to actually hit the shots. Doing this is so much easier on the computer, but using a controller, you need to move your thumb away from the jump button to aim, so it's not a big issue as few people are good at it.
I think jumping is not an issue. The gameplay is good I get on and play everyday and have fun. The mechanics and hit detection in this game is a million times better than any other battle royale, daybreak has a sweet setup for us. you guys are just ranting and leading developers in the wrong direction. At this rate the game will be gone and you guys will be stuck playing apex or pub g ay. We need a new map give us that and leave gameplay and gunplay alone for now. Thanks yall! daybreak especially!
I read this: ""I'd say using the shotgun AND jumping is a skill, to aim and adjust to any opponent is something that takes time to really master."" i know how to but is just boring to be forced to be a ballerina all the game and since the beta these jumping bunny act its just stupid. Need a nerf also in getting out of vehicles and be rendered as a delay results in a mismatch of graphic failures no accuracy here just try to land your shots. Defenders of these seems to me are the one the only do this. The game has so many weapons and some are just useless cause of these SG/META. revalue and check stats on game servers or just play shotguns all time is not fun.
Really sounds like ya need to spend some time in combat training getting ya hip fire up. I know plenty if squads that dont use anything but shotguns & yea it sucks when they manage to sneak up to mob ya. They complete trash at range tho so it's easy enough to deal with um if you see um coming