Joystick drift

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 2high2die420, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. 2high2die420 Member

    Has anyone else experienced stick drift recently? I bought 2 new controllers and noticed the same thing and it only occurs with H1. Going forward with 3rd person this is going to be a larger issue as with slight movement you don’t get that perfect first shot and get a larger radius when aiming. I know I can turn dead zone way up which sucks for those close shotgun battles but anyone else experiencing this was there any fix?
  2. Jcon115 Member

    Yeah, I also have the analogue drift problem. I checked other games but it was only a problem on some of them. So It's likely just a problem with the controller. I've heard that it could be dirt that has built up under the anologue stick. You may need to take apart the controller to thoroughly clean it.