Excuse the length, efficiency post here. Please +1 any of my points if you agree. ~PLEASE MODIFY; M1 Socom - IMHO this gun doesn't quite meet the purple tier standard. A decrease in recoil or slight bump in damage would be ideal Loot Spots - The cabins and camp trailers only have pistols, if anything at all. It's a bit frustrating to pass by such a cool camp site, knowing it's a waste of time to stop over there (other than the off chance of finding a military crate). ~In no specific order, PLEASE GIVE US; Team Callouts (ex. destination markers, ammo requests, med supplies, etc.) New Map / Locations Refillable gas tanks in vehicles **with functioning gas station pumps** Bring back Beta exlusive gear, perhaps for a special event? New guns that use .45 ammo and 4.6mm ammo (or new guns in general) As always, thank you DayBreak for the free sugar-honey-ice-tea!
Very nice ideas in my opinion! I just dont like the refillable gas tanks in vehicles idea. With the crossbow, Daybreak finally managed to keep cars under control. That gas tank idea would ruin it again.
About loot in camp trailers: maybe good option are accessories for pistols(to be found separately). Bigger magazine on ammo for pistol it better situation.