Separate names with a comma.
this seems shady explain plz
You are not fortnite stop trying to be no one is buying these skins for $20-$30 people the marketplace has turned into the crown store now and it’s...
Since season 3 i was grinding master coins to get the full fireman set and its season 5 now and i never got the full set and i opened over 150 master...
I think if you buy a crate for $50 you should get all the sets not just the one. paying $50 for one outfit is outrageous but if i were to get all the...
what is the logic behind this like really. are u guys even gamers u telling me the ppl at daybreak play games and are like oooooo i need this outfit...
[media] im alil salty by this was looking forward to...
[IMG]Japan H1Z1 has way better outfits than us will we be getting what they have at any point? i was trying to unload more photos but the site...
every match I played today had ppl teaming LIKE 5 TEAMS IN ONE SOLO MATCH. teaming was bad BUT it's GETTING OUT OF HAND why is there no report button...
nuff said
ride in a truck with an rpg? how can i tell if im 100m away when im sniping someone. do 300 damage in a zone that pretty much do one goes too unless...
OK, so it's been confirmed that new players have been getting A GOOD NUMBER OF THINGS to stick around i for one am SALTY AS HELL. I mean this just...
i wouldnt mind if it replaced the challenge that only gives me one battle pass medal but it replaced the one that gives me 4 pass medals so my lvling...
you should get atleast 5 for a win with nothing new in win crates u could at least give us this
i have been playing trying to get to level 100 so i can get the helmet from that outfit but im really getting sick of getting crossbowed to death IN...
ive done a bunch of challenges that wont progress and its very annoying fix it nerds thx
so i can tell if I'm hitting my shots on far away targets. also moving targets would be nice. ALSO why is there a time limit in the weapon training.
I like using the ak but the recoil on it annoys me. would anyone else like lower recoil on the ak?
I paid for XP boost of 25% and didn't get it I got it for 75 crowns in the store and it's not showing up
there is a new daily challenge that says open a lootbox x amount of times in a specific area. has anyone done this or know how to do this? I don't...