Please guides come back to Norrath. I miss you and like those who posted before me am eager to do more guide quests. *begs*
We are coming back! The guides of the shattered lands are returning very very soon. Like... maybe tomorrow? We are just getting all set up.See you soon and watch for more news here.
Hi Everyone! It's so nice to be back in the saddle...or rather running around Norrath...oh you know what I mean! I will definitely try to hop on this weekend to say hi to everyone! Hmmmm....I wonder who I will get to see! I hope it is you...and you....and you! I want to sword dance! I hope you will come sword dance with me!
*****NEWS FLASH***** I ran into this odd, but beautiful lady today called CENTURIS ARUNDHATI and she told me that she simply LOVES making maps! She has made a map of the CELESTIAL REALMS and she wants to pass out copies to Norrathians to test out her map for her. She offered one to me, but I told her I was too busy right now. She told me that she will be in The COMMONLANDS by the Wizard Spires on this March 20, 2021,SATURDAY, at 9:30AM PST to hand out her maps! Perhaps you want to go and get one so you can let her know how much you like her map of the Celestial Realms. If you go, please post a photo of it here...I do so love living through your adventures!
Oh I am sorry to say Centuris was not able to come out. She has a death in the family. She will be out in the near future.We apologize for not being able to bring you the event this morning.
Mistress Heartyhearth watched the procession of wagons rolling into the yard, a satisfied smile crossing her face. They’d made good time, as promised. For the gold Master Halifax had paid, if they hadn’t, they would have to answer to PeaceKeeper. She lovingly patted the solid rolling pin at her side, an artifact from a bygone age, when a young halfling warrior maiden had roamed Norrath, seeking adventure and riches. Adventure she’d found, and riches of a sort; friends. Gryger Halifax had been one of the first, a raucous, fearless and sometimes foolish barbarian. They befriended one another quickly, and many was the tavern that ran dry because of their drunken nights. When at last the time had come to leave behind the path of the adventurer, Gryger had asked her to stay with him in his retirement; a good thing too, the poor lad was completely lost without her. A strong heart and spirit, but rather scatterbrained at times. Like a kindly but stern older sister, she managed his home and in some cases, his life. “Don’t you be careless with those crates, you lot!” she shouted, brandishing PeaceKeeper to punctuate her warning. “After weeks in the belly of a Far Seas Trading ship I’ll not have the Master’s dinnerware shattered on the front stoop!” Giving a satisfied nod that she was understood, she turned back to the task at hand, making sure there was sufficient food and drink in the storeroom. She knew Gryger would be coming over that rise soon; he had chosen to take a longer route; mostly likely revisiting old haunts and reliving past glories. She knew when he returned one of the first things he would do would be to load up several of his magical packs with food, drink and various baubles he had collected over the years, and then it would be off again into the wilds of Norrath to carouse and commiserate with the new generation of adventurers. The house staff had done well; the house was clean and in good order; warm candlelight reflected off every wooden surface; polished to perfection. The windows were spotless, the glass so clear as to appear non-existent. The linens were freshly aired out, beds made. From the kitchen a thick wave of smells, baking bread and meats roasting permeated the house. Overall, a good day. She propped PeaceKeeper next to her stool, took a seat and reached for her Stein of Moggok. A nice Blackburrow Stout was just the thing for an afternoon of hard work. She gave a small grunt of approval; those gnolls may not be good for much, but they were decent enough Brewmasters. Aye. A good day indeed. Greetings, Refugees! I’m so glad to be back! Keep an eye on this space for future updates and quests! Safe journey and good fortune to you all! - Gryger Halifax
Across the wilds of Norrath, the call goes out!Boldest of the bold, bravest of the brave... Do you dare enter Kael Drakkel to answer the challenge of the Stormshield Clan?This Wednesday evening (03/24 @ 6pm pacific) Krunjir Stormshield will be in the Eastern Wastes, offering this challenge to the bravest souls of Norrath! Come one, come all, complete the quest for your "larger than life" reward! DISCLAIMER Only Level 90+ can enter Kael Drakkel, although you may accept the quest, you will not be allowed to enter. Also, this quest can only be offered once to each character. Once you have completed it, you cannot take this quest again.*Please remember that actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Event Guide Program and for this reason the event may be canceled or delayed without notice.*
Ho, Norrath! Guide Gryger here, bearing news of a rather odd creature from the Ever Deep wandering around Norrath, learning what he can about this strange new world. He'd like to return the favor! Our strange little visitor will be in finishing his tour of Norrath shortly and would like to present the adventurers of Norrath with a treatise of some of the more interesting areas of his home. Be sure to pick up a scroll and journey inward! Wednesday, March 31st, 6pm (1800) Pacific Note: "The Guide's Guide to Thalumbra" is a one-time only quest. Once you have finished, it cannot be offered again. Please be sure to check your Quest Journal to make sure you haven't already completed it. *Please remember that actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Event Guide Program and for this reason the event may be canceled or delayed without notice.*
My friend Braxle, a Dwarf with a penchant for axes, has told me he's conducting some research into the ancient axes of Kaladim and is actually looking for help from the brave adventurers of Norrath! If you are interested in assisting him with his research, you'll find him in the Butcherblock Mountains!(Braxle will be in Butcherblock Mountains Thursday 04/08/2021 @ 1900 Pacific)Guide Event Disclaimer: Please remember that the actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Guide Program and events may be canceled or delayed without notice. In the event of a delayed or cancelled event, we will make every effort to inform you of the cancellation or delay.
I just heard... A halfling will be up in Cardin Ward which is in Obol Plain on Sunday April 11 around 7 pm pdt. She is looking for people to help save the lost soul of Norrath. If you have saved the Lost souls before please send up your friends, since you can only do this quest once.
ack! i missed it. i have 2 "friends" that have heard of the plight of these lost souls, and wish to help. They also are looking for a map around the lighter side of the moon, as they familiarize themselves with the blinding, the aurelian coast, and the perilous wracklands
Hi Guides! Thanks for all you do. Could we please get the Newsies and the other big status Guide's Guide quests prior to the downtime and following double status? Thanks so much, Stellacious
I just heard... An Eurdite will be up in Taren's Grasp which is in Kylong Plains on Monday around 7 pm pdt. She is looking for people to help map the Dark side of the moon. If you have gotten this quest before please send up your friends, since you can only do this quest once.
All my friends have provided this lovely erudite with detailed and intricate maps, and thank her for the knowledge and rewards attained on this adventure. I would be happy to tell my friends if anyone needs a map for The Blinding and the lighter side of Luclin, as well as if any spirits have any news to spread!
I wanted to tell you that she apologizes for the short notice, but wanted you get your help before the world frozen. She also wanted to say she will return soon to get your help with the lighter side of the moon. She also give you all a bit more forewarning.
4/29/21 7pm pdt Come join us in the Village of Shin The Guides of the Shattered Lands are holding the Recruitment Fayre.Meet some guides and learn about the Darkpaw Volunteer Guide Program. We are the ones who run the Guide Events for all the players on Everquest. You, fellow Norrathians, are why we do what we do as guides. You all make it fun to be a Guide and we want to sincerely thank you! Perhaps you will even consider joining the Darkpaw Volunteer Guide Program. We are always looking for more players like you to join our ranks!
Ho, Norrath! Guide Gryger here. The Ever Deep needs your help! A denizen of the depths has been spied wandering Norrath seeking adventurers to journey to Thalumbra. He is in possession of a certain with scroll with some directions for you to follow and could certainly use your help! The last I'd seen he was heading towards Greater Faydark. The quest "The Guide's Guide to Thalumbra" is non-repeatable. Please be sure to check your Quest Journal and make sure you have not already completed it. If you have already completed this quest, it cannot be offered to you again. Our depth dweller will be in Greater Faydark on Thursday, 05/06/2021 at 1900 Pacific Time Guide Event Disclaimer: Please remember that the actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Guide Program and events may be canceled or delayed without notice. In the event of a delayed or cancelled event, we will make every effort to inform you of the cancellation or delay.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! A Storyteller will be passing through Antonica, Saturday, May 8th, 2021. If you love to hear great stories be sure to attend. Guide Event Disclaimer: Please remember that the actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Guide Program and events may be canceled or delayed without notice. In the event of a delayed or cancelled event, we will make every effort to inform you of the cancellation or delay.
Ho, Norrath! Guide Gryger here, bringing word of the return of a true sensation, the gifted Mistress of Melody, Ominotago Loresinger! Ominotago has been on the road for a long time and is wrapping up her journey on the Isle of Mara tomorrow night! She is giving a performance of an ancient piece of Norrathian lore. If you would like to hear her tale, be sure to attend! The Mistress of Melody will be near the waterfall on the Isle of Mara Wednesday, May 12th around 1800 Pacific time. There is no quest, just come and enjoy the show! Guide Event Disclaimer: Please remember that the actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Guide Program and events may be canceled or delayed without notice. In the event of a delayed or cancelled event, we will make every effort to inform you of the cancellation or delay.
** NOTE: Due to RL gremlins, the quest has been postponed to Wednesday, 05/26/2021 @ 1800 Pacific ** Ho, Norrath! Guide Gryger here, bearing whispers on the wind of a Luclin Scholar giving directions to dark side of Luclin! Our friend should be in Kylong Plains tomorrow in the evening. Tuesday, 05/25/2021 1800 (Pacific) Note: The Guide's Guide to the Reign of Shadows is a non-repeatable quest. If you have already accepted the quest, it cannot be offered again. Please check your Journal before making the trek out so you do not waste your time. Guide Event Disclaimer: Please remember that the actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Guide Program and events may be canceled or delayed without notice. In the event of a delayed or cancelled event, we will make every effort to inform you of the cancellation or delay.