Guide Anniversaries - 1st Quarter (January, February and March) - 2024

Discussion in 'News and Discussion' started by Finesser, May 22, 2024.

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  1. Finesser Personnel Team Chair

    Guide Anniversaries - 1st Quarter - 2024

    Please join the Elders and the Personnel Team, in congratulating everyone who celebrated an anniversary in the guide program during the months of January, February & March, 2024!

    25 Years
    Aberlin - Chair - March
    Geaerin - Cazic-Thule - January

    16 Years
    Shailow - Skyfire - February

    15 Years
    Veorfolnir - Tunare - January

    13 Years
    Dinendall - Elder - January

    4 Years
    Hijinks - Drinal - January

    2 Years
    Gelmir - Halls of Fate - January

    Your service to the Volunteer Guide Program is very deeply appreciated! Congratulations on a job well done!

    NOTE: Anniversaries in the Guide Program are based on a 360 day year.
    Daylen, Yareth and Rynara like this.
  2. Miriele SWAT EQ2

    Congratulations! Lots of years up there. Thank you for all you do!
  3. Penthesalea Guide EQ2 Skyfire

    Happy anniversary to you all!
  4. Matille Senior EQ Bertox

    Congratulations on another year with the guide program! :)
  5. Liandraah Guide EQ2 Maj Dul

    Grats to all!
  6. Daylen Quest Team Member

    And many, many more!
  7. Yareth SWAT EQ

    Congratulations everyone! It's so wonderful to see so many familiar names on this list. Well done all.
  8. Mallin New Member

    Hello and congrats to all. Only found out about all of you last Wednesday thanks to Daylen. Will try to follow from now on. This game deserves more love.
    Daylen and Yareth like this.
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