[Screenshot] Spike the Fierce Lop Bunny

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Tattle, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. Tattle Trailblazer

    My lop bunny's name is Spike-not "awww cute!" or "fluffy" or "adorable"
    Spike has serious discipline problems

    No Spike, put it back where it belongs! I don't care if it followed you home!

    NO Spike You can't have your own pet to Ride!

    NO Spike!! No eating between meals!!

    I discovered this when I visited a combat site and the builder fell over laughing at Spike sitting on top of a monster head. The site was in edit mode at the time.

    How to do this for yourself:

    1. Put out a non mobile/non active monster.
    2. Stand very close to the monster
    3. Activate the lop bunny (Other pets might work..see if it works for you)
    4. Take your picture and caption it

    Shardiis, Decalin, Kutter_ and 6 others like this.
  2. matt3k Founder

    Must of ran out of things to do in the game.
  3. TR3LON1ST Trailblazer

    You don't decide how people are having a good time. Not everyone finds joy in complaining about everything :)
    Maeya, WhiskyJack, Karrane and 6 others like this.
  4. Tattle Trailblazer

    Yep, I have fun doing all sorts of stuff.
    When you go test a combat site for a builder, you sure don't expect a pet to perch on a head of one of the builder's mobs.
    Maeya and WhiskyJack like this.
  5. Thelandir Trailblazer

    Too cute Tattle. :)
  6. Parthin Trailblazer

    Congratz Tattle.
  7. Karrane Trailblazer

    Awwwww Grats Tattle!!!

    Sooo cute!!! :)
  8. CoyoteDancer Trailblazer

    :D great stuff.

    Jackie (my jackalope) ports and ports trying to keep up with me while i breeze halfway across an island. But there is one particular fern (terrain pop-up not a prop) he always gets stuck trying to run through. Every other fern no problem, including one that looks identical. Just that one he likes to headbutt. When i'm building in the air & cut away where he's standing (behind me so i don't notice) he just continues to sit there watching me. "Why is your jackalope flying?" "He's a weirdo." But hey, what do you expect from a jackalope?