Round Table/Workshop: Kerran Pelts

Discussion in 'TW: Kerran' started by Dexella, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. RedAngel Well-Known Member

    Also why the hell is this only posted in the LM forums?

    The more they try to distinguish the two game the more apparent it is that they love LM over EQN. They have effectively killed off the EQN:RT forums from the Workshop being here and neglecting EQN except for once a year when they say anything about it except at SoE live.

    WTF devs.
  2. SardonicReserve Trailblazer

    Both Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars II allow for very diverse-looking pelts (essentially most if not all the proposed options) for their cat-people. THIS is the system I'd like to see. (For the player character, at least). ;)

    For NPCs, I think defaulting to the lion might be best, but maybe their pelts could change based on their environment (so tigers for jungles, snow leopards for...snowy places, etc.) though I'm not sure if those should just be seen as sub-races or if the Kerrans just have magic pelts.
  3. Halfwise Trailblazer

    Uh, its been in both forums since the time the thread went up.
    I've posted in both.

    Don't jump to random conclusions and give a knee-jerk response. Too many people are doing that lately without good reason. (Like those that claim that it isn't Everquest, just because they killed off Tunare.) EQN is not being neglected. Forming the systems in Landmark helps them to make a better EQN.

    EQN forum is just quieter as most of the activity is happening to Landmark.
  4. Stranyx Trailblazer

    No hesitation for me : Snow Leopard (it's remember me my beastlord vah shir and his pet :) )
  5. MarcusAntonius Trailblazer

    I like the Lion pure color,, and mane but all kitties are cool looking :)

    I wonder why my title states trailblazer when I am a founder?
    Dingo likes this.
  6. Dingo Trailblazer

    I like Lions myself :)
  7. Thornbrier Trailblazer

    I refuse to vote because they all should be, and I must also add White Tiger.
  8. TarnaX Trailblazer

    Anyone else have to look up Caracal? o_O lol Tiger's my fav, but any/all cat style will do really :cool:

  9. Koso Trailblazer

    A tortise shell pattern would be fully awesome, but hard to actually realize in game. I have a tortie cat and in dim light she looks almost like a black cat... in sunlight she is this beautiful and non-symmetrical pattern of rich dark brown and orange.
  10. SonOfHelios Trailblazer

    I vote "all of the above", I like variety in my floor coverings.:D
  11. Graysilk Trailblazer

    Agree that we should have more that one type. That's why I voted to post more down in the thread.
    My top 3 choices are:
    Snow leopard: beautiful frightening
    panther: scary frightening
    tiger: huge, frightening
  12. CreationStation Active Member

    Other, why not all!? The more the better, and also maybe hair dye so you can have red patterns or blue markings. All the Kerrans should have as many options as possible to look different and unique.
  13. Droopy Founder

    So yeah, I think some posters need some help. Because they clearly state they are making several options. So saying "all" isn't much direct help. They need feedback and all isn't specific enough as they likely know we want many options to choose from they just have limited resources so they have to pick and choose which will be most impactful.

    The poll itself said "we want to know which pelts were most popular" so they could supply more options to cater to that demand. They need actual choices and why. So they picked a diverse set of styles and whichever ones have the most votes will likely have more options at launch.

    So if we pick Lion we will likely have more majestic manes. If we pick tiger we will likely have more patterns. If we pick Lynx they will add more options like ear hair and such. And so on. If you pick other...say why!

    I chose lion because majestic manes are epic and the bigger the better to help differentiate their hair types from humans. The lion "mane" from the old Kerran model way back was lackluster. It looked like a middle parted human females hair that was straightened..or just a horses mane. The new models need something far more robust and interesting to look at. Something eclectic, full, and bold to show their fierce and majestic heritage. Although, having more human like options would be cool for RP for Kerrans who just want to fit in with everyone else but can't so having a couple would be nice.
  14. Nerune Founder


    How about this then. None of the above.

    Instead allow us to make our own pelts. Have a color slider. Have patterns of all sorts we can apply to that base color. Either as an over all pattern.... or like pattern decals we can drag and drop onto the character. And as an additional layer... war paint/tattoos/ personal adornment.

    Character creation should be as broken down into discrete pieces as possible.
    CreationStation and Benneth like this.
  15. Chenzeme Stormbringer Trailblazer

    I want them all, please ;)
  16. steelbelly Trailblazer

    Want them all. If you're planning on giving us 3 then sell the rest in the store please let us know now.