Zones Available at Launch - Varsoon

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Maruven, May 19, 2022.

  1. Maruven Member

    Sorry if this is readily available, but I have not found a list of 'Vanilla' zones that will be available at launch. I played the other TLEs and am assuming that Butcherblock won't be available but Frostfang sea will? Things like that.

    Nek forest will, etc.

    I should know this. I suck. :)

  2. Beneeto Member

    Every Shattered Lands zone (Qeynos, Freeport, Antonica, Commonlands, Thundering Steppes, Nektulos, Enchanted Lands, Zek, Feerrott, Rivervale, Everfrost, Lavastorm)
    Frostfang Sea (accessible from Antonica docks bell)
    Darklight Wood (accessible from Commonlands and Nektulos, Neriak can be traveled to from Commonlands docks bell)

    Bloodlines Chronicles (Tombs of Night etc) and Splitpaw Saga zones aren't in until mid-content.
    Lavastorm's later TSO content (Deep Forge, Najena, Ward of Elements, Black Silk Cloak HQ) won't be in until TSO. The Sootfoot questline is still available.
    Everfrost's "Shard of Love" instance will not be available until TSO.
    Feerrott's "Shard of Fear" instance will not be available until EOF.
    Griffin Towers in TS/Nek will be disabled until DoF. The "fast travel" horses in other Shattered Lands zones may be disabled as well.
    Druid Rings and Wizard Spires are not usable as entry points; only as destinations for portals cast by their respective classes.
  3. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    All classic zones minus the Bloodline and Splitaw zones. Frostfang and Darklight are always available at the start of a TLE for some reason.
  4. Maruven Member

    Awesome! Thank you very much!