Zerkers forums DEAD in and out of Beta

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-Zhonata, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zhonata Guest

    From what I have been told there are something like less then 40 posts in the Berserker beta forums. Which doesnt surprise me when these forums are the like an old west town before a gun fight and tumble weedish.....
    Who is speaking for us?
  2. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    At this stage of the game, there's not a lot to say on the regular class boards unless someone asks a question. It's not just OUR class boards that our dead here. Not sure anyone can "safely" answer about the beta boards.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zhonata Guest

    Its really said when it becomes more about covering your behind then giving actually result to your customer base isnt it.
  4. ARCHIVED-Aull Guest

    I can't speak for everyone but many of my friends have left eqII. According to them they will not be coming back to the game. They are tired of the lack of communication between SOE and the customers, issues with classes that could be addressed but go as if unnoticed, and the delayed expansion release.
    I still play but that time has become less and less. I do not intend to quit but mercy I am tired/bored and need some new content.
    I find myself browsing these boards to find any activity that is interesting but only find posts that are basically repeated over and over.
    If anything no player should be punished for breaking any NDA at this time. Any leaked info might be what breathes some life back into the game.
    We need new topics to discuss anyway.
  5. ARCHIVED-schizolic Guest

    most of the zerkers either quit or rolled sk's, same as the other tanks.
  6. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    i couldn't really handle the lack of understanding and communication from a certain ex-dev. sometimes you also just need a break to collect yourself, hopefully the expansion does have some surprises in store. dead class forums doesn't mean the end of the class so don't read too much into it.
  7. ARCHIVED-Zhonata Guest

    Good to see you back lyyger :)