you have to be kidding!

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Loco_kano, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Loco_kano Guest

    Does anyone else feel they have been ripped off? Let us review
    SOE point of view? You decide....
    New summer house....
    So we give them a copy of Miragul's Menagerie zone that looks like crap and we don't have to spend any time on and charge them for it. WIN WIN!
    This house if going to be difficult to work because it doesn't have any wall space and 70s wall paper theme...
    Also if you claim this item and use it, they lose their original home. This may take a month to fix because but when we do we can look like hero's to soften the screwing we just gave them.
    Lets put the access to this house in a crappy location and force people to move cities and lose city writ status, we don't want them getting bored with this new expansion too fast. (snicker)
    Flying mount....
    Lets advertise a flying mount on our more expensive expansion but we will be sure not to say anywhere that you have to be level 90 to obtain it. Truth and clarity only hurt sales.
    Lets Nerf all players gear and remove HPS additions so they are forced to get new gear from the expansion...WE NEED SALES PEOPLE!
    Also lets Nerf any competition dungeon like the "hole" we cant sale once the other catch on to our scheme...
    For fun after the sale we can sit back and watch BGers and PVPs get owned in the new expansion cause their gear sucks. I'll bring the boozs! Boy I hope this email doesn't leak....
  2. ARCHIVED-das2000uk Guest

    You what you gotta be lvl 90 to get the mount. ????????????
  3. ARCHIVED-Lader Guest

    Loco_kano wrote:
    the information about the mount was all over for people who cared to read about them. It was posted that they are a flying mount but you had to unlock flight via the quests. You must be level 86 for the quests, also posted information. Until then, the CE mounts are ground based.
  4. ARCHIVED-Jadeblue Guest

    I really do hope you were not counting on the PvP BG battle grounds gear to be allowed to be used IN GAME and out side of well PVP/BG's forever, because from what i understand most of the players who worked very hard on the progression are right there with me when i tell you, get out of the battle grounds and play the game if you want raid equal gear, go earn it like everyone else did. I'm not defending this expansion IN ANY WAY, i see i saw i hate it, was broken before they even took it out of the box but if you're going to complain pls pls pls pick something better than the battle grounds garbage. As for flying mount, really who cares it didn't impress me in WoW i don't think SoE could impress me with one. As for everything else I agree they need to cut the **** with the exploiting our bank accounts. Station cash, station cash, station cash, they are going to station cash themselves right out of a client base. We already bought the game can we have our money's worth YET?
  5. ARCHIVED-Loco_kano Guest

    Jadeblue your being a little Bias....
    Battlegrounding to gain tokens is far more difficult than grinding in raids. I can stand behond someone and heal them all day. After some time I get mind numb. Now facing a good oponent in PVP can be thrilling. It seperated the crap player from the real ones quickly. The friends I met in Battlegrounds are supirior to group with. If they can hold their own in PVP they're usualy elite in PVE. Then factor in the time for 160 aa and all MC gear and master spells at level 39, do you still call that easy? Then 3 tokens for a win and 1 for a loss, it takes around 1500 to outfit a 90? A match last anywhere from 7 to 15 minutes do the math....
  6. ARCHIVED-therodge Guest

    the diffrence you can loose 1500 times (which wont happen even if you afk) and get the gear you go raiding you get crap unless you win.
  7. ARCHIVED-Loco_kano Guest

    Again one sided, you get kicked if you don't engage in battle so that's not possible... You're being deceptive to try and prove a false point. I do both, BG is much more difficult and stimulating. I understand you not liking BGs, because it does take more effort to be good at. What I don't understand is why you try to be misleading.
  8. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    Lader wrote:
    Many of us asked for them to be more obvious about the limitations on the flying mount for this very reason.
  9. ARCHIVED-BetaTester Guest

    I imagine BG usage is gonna plummet ... idk

    and as much fun as BGs are , I haven't played BGs since I found out about DoV
    Raiders have it much better in BGs , than BGers have it in Raids ... , and now instances and even solo

    another post mentioned how this hosed the PVP server itemization , because they need BOTH crit mit and toughness .

  10. ARCHIVED-BetaTester Guest

    this is where I should have posted this ...

    sometimes Im a little slow , but it looked like SOE was thinking to use Crit mit the same way their doing with Toughness , to tone down the impact of Hard mode on the rest of the game .

    then they released DoV with solo mobs critting ? boggle

    also , rather than completely gutting toughness in Raiding , and Crit Mit in PVP ... there should be some scaling factor, allowing them to be good , but not optimal .
    Old world solo and heroic didn't use mob crits , and if raid gear and BG had high Crit Mit , and Toughness , and lower regular Mit , they could balance out