will ports be needed for fallen gate.

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Nagash, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Nagash Member

    will groups need druids or wizard's to get around. it seemed a bit difficult on Storm Hold. do Furys and Warlocks get ports?
  2. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    simple question , simple answer " YES "
    Just like at the beginning of Deathtoll and Stormhold
    portal monkeys will be needed again
    Lagerale likes this.
  3. Lagerale Member

    Give me a banana, because I'll be a porting fool. I like being able to port myself and heal so works well, me and the 40% of the population who will be playing them (as well as 40% playing pet classes leaving 20% for the "other" classes) = )
  4. Nagash Member

    Pet Classes are that good right now? Beast Lords, Conjurer and Necros?
  5. CowKiller Member

    pallys and sk get free mounts :( i really hope the gold drops are set to vanilla were 1 gold was worth a lot and a plat was super rare
  6. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    you get a free leaper at level 10 I heard , that's 11 levels sooner
  7. Lagerale Member

    Pet classes and port classes are always useful in new servers of any mmo, ports for obvious reason and pet classes because they can almost always solo best when you cant get a group.