Why is the Server Always crashing

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Griffith, Mar 26, 2021.

  1. Laaw Well-Known Member

    so chuck norris is making a come back as jchan argggg!
  2. Laaw Well-Known Member

    nibbles and bits, then byte the mailman
  3. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    Time to reboot man.
  4. Bludd Well-Known Member

    degrees, they do smoke testing every patch one would think
  5. Laaw Well-Known Member

    lol been rebooting since 72
  6. Erroneous New Member

    cd / && rm -rf *
    Tkia likes this.
  7. Fixzoningplease New Member

    Seriously not trying to be a dick what did they do to the servers 2 years ago never did I go LD when zoning now it’s LD every 5 zones couple times I zoned literally 5x and went ld 5x in a row. But now I go LD atleast 20 times a day wasn’t like this 2 yrs ago and it’s not my hardware every other game works fine hell dcuo is one their games I never have issues with it.
  8. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    You don't recall the Downtime Of Doom when SOE was taken down for weeks on end? Everybody's got problems.
    Siren and Breanna like this.
  9. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Is doubtful that any account was "lost". More likely is that the authentication server was down. They're having issues, it's a PITA, but just wait for the dust to settle before panicking.
    Siren and Breanna like this.
  10. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Per Discord, this is ALL their game titles down, not just EQ2, so you know that they are frantically working on it.
    Breanna likes this.
  11. Fixzoningplease New Member

    That was the CC HACK it was down a month.
  12. Laaw Well-Known Member

    off to a real nap latter
  13. Ryni Bard since 2004

    Well i tried to do a character transfer from one account to another last night and although it got charged the toon did not move. So a ticket was put in, now I am wondering if the server instability might have caused that transfer to not work. Ugh, I just want to relax this weekend and level that toon on my main account.
  14. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    I'm kinda wondering exactly how old the servers are that are running this game. In my mind I'm seeing a server rig from 2003 held together by duct tape, twist ties, and a dozen makeshift adapters to get things to talk to each other.
  15. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    it's your imagination. reality is somewhat different - "we’re continuing the process of a major hardware upgrade to significantly address a number of lag issues" (https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/producers-letter-spring-2021-edition.598888/) if they be able to solve outlined tasks, then what happened was worth it