Why i am a fury !! :(

Discussion in 'Fury' started by ARCHIVED-Laduda, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Laduda Guest

    Why from DoV expansion nothing want a fury in main healer ....
    Why if i have a "good" equip, adorned ... good stats ... can heal or heal with difficult in drunder instances?? ...
    Why the my hots takes lot less time than wards or reactives of another healers?? very very less time !!! ....
    Why if i am a fury do less dps and heal than inquis of my guild (equivalent equip) ....
    I played a fury all my live in this game (from the init of the game), and i dont want to change now ... WHY SOE dont make anything to fury class? ...
    Really i am very frusted, and now i leveling a defiler, because i can find a group for the new zones ... :(

    Sorry me english ..
  2. ARCHIVED-Ferunnia Guest

    Furies are beasts, it's just a holdover from a couple of expansion ago where so many people played horribly and the class was underpowered.