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Why are european Servers dead?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Velaja, May 31, 2022.

  1. Velaja New Member

    Hey there.

    A while ago i came back to the good old Everquest 2 i loved since i first played it in 2005. After a rly long break for about 8 Years i sadly had find myself on a merged Server wich is just dead. Apparently it's the only european server left, wich is pretty sad tho. When i entered the Server with my still existing Fae Dirge i was pretty shocked. The Cities are literally DEAD, i could not find a single player in like an hour or so, also the Broker is ... broken. Even lvl1 items are sold for 10 PLATIN+??
    Also .. why is there no german language Pack anymore? :( I mean, my english isn't bad, but sometimes i miss the german voiced NPC's and Questdialogs. It feels a bit harder as it was in german, because things are named differently as i remember them and so on.

    When i see the US Servers it is like a difference between night and day. The US Servers are well crowded, especially the timelocked ones where i now play on with a new char (On Varsoon).

    Wouldn't be it a perfect solution to bring a timelocked european server including the language packs like they have been back in the days + some commercials via Social Media? I think alot People would be interestet to come back to EQ2. If you pay a visit to the steam reviews the most complaints are about now missing language packs, that seems to be the main reason why the majority of the players haft left the game (forever), wich is just sad.

    Couldn't you Developers just think about the opinion to open a european timelocked Server including everything we had back in the days? Also it would be nice to see the broker fixed. As a returning player it is pretty unhandy to not have a broker i can use, since the prices are way above anything a returning player can afford.

    Well .. so far so good.
    Greetings to everyone from the very north of germany. :)

    EDIT: Oh .. one another thing. Why is there no LoN Cardgame anymore? :( I LOVED to play it back in the days and have several items from there in the inventory of my old main char, especially optic ones, like red glowing Eyes, a warden headband wich is sparkling and has leafs flying around and so on .. rly beautiful stuff, also for my House. I miss this!
    Twyla and Sturmlocke like this.
  2. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I'm from the US, but I agree that it would be nice for you guys to have language packs.

    As far as the broker, people are literally just greedy now - and they can get away with it because the population is so low. My advice, if you do decide to come back and stay, make a trade skill class. (And I would recommend sage, woodworker, or provisioner just because I find that they make the most money. But do what you will.)

    And I honestly don't know why they got rid of LoN. But it's been gone a while.
    Twyla likes this.
  3. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    the loot card packs are on /marketplace.
    1 pack which spans a few LoN expansions contains 1 random in game item from one of those expansions. That item is fully tradable/brokerable until opened. After opening it's heirloom so you can share it only with your own alts via shared bank
    Twyla likes this.
  4. Tanto Done, finished, gone.

    I played on Thurgadin and the population isn't that bad. These days the cities are empty because of guild halls - everyone hangs out in their guild hall, not on Freeport docks like the old days. The economy is nuts because of plat dupes. Plat is worthless so everything costs insane amounts. One factor which may be affecting Thurgadin, but I'm not 100% sure, is that players from a certain belligerent warmongering child-murdering country right now can't pay with Visa/Mastercard so can probably only pay for EQ2 sub with Krono. I'd imagine, although I haven't looked closely, this may be affecting a) the population numbers and b) the krono price on Thurgadin. I may be wrong (but not about the warmongering and child murdering).
    Cylob likes this.
  5. Velaja New Member

    Yeah, i know i can buy cardpacks. But it's not the same as playing LoN and getting rewards there for more or less hard fights. :/ It just not feels good to buy those packages wich gives you a fully RNG reward. On LoN back in the days i could review what i get and could focus on getting a specific item. Now it is random what i get and that is mostly absolute trash i don't need. :/
    Twyla and Dude like this.
  6. Arclite Well-Known Member

    Kander has been cited saying that guild halls were the biggest mistake in the game which you cannot disagree with. There is no incentive for players to come out and hang about in the cities. People have been accustomed to do crafting/brokering from their guild halls/homes except a few lone souls that you sometimes see out and about. But overall I would imagine Thurgadin is not as populated as the US server at this moment in time. Then you have people jumping ship to do TLE this time of the year - basically thinking that they can avoid the pay to win on live servers but end up on the TLE server that too has a lot of pay to win stuff going on.

    Yes, the prevailing war could be a contributing factor to the inflated prices in the game but there is no definitive way to be certain of it so bringing it up serves as much as use as Bill Gates coming on Fox news to talk about pandemics. Moreover, it is not one country who fall into that bracket unfortunately but rather a few that we in the Western hemisphere tend to ignore or feel not worthy of our due attention...I digress but that is the downtrodden state of world we live in today.
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    And if you were like me and only interested in the EQ2 loot cards, you could put together trade packs of the playing cards and often trade for the loot cards that way.
    Twyla likes this.
  8. Lidahn Lady of Light And Crystalline Hydromancer

    one more server merge in coming to save the game until there's one global server
  9. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Grüß Gott,

    yeah, completely agree on this one. I wish they could readd the EU localisation and all the languages that went missing a few years ago. Said it before, will say it again, friends of mine would love to join my adventures, but they only speak german.

    Twyla likes this.