Wht use of Silent Fist Kata ?

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-kennethhon, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-kennethhon Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-ForceUser Guest

    Every class gets a fluff ability at level 20. Warlocks, for instance, can turn any player into a toad at will (toad form is harmless to a player's ability to be effective). The kata is our fluff piece; a way to show off our martial arts prowess. It's fun, it's useless, and it's entirely optional.
  3. ARCHIVED-Rundark Guest

    hmm, how does it work as i never seen this before? should i have gotten it at level 20? like other racial traits and stuff?
  4. ARCHIVED-Kwonryu_DragonFist Guest

    Rundark, you can purchase it in Elddar at lvl 20 if you wish.
  5. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    It looks so cool :eek:
  6. ARCHIVED-Coraz2 Guest

    Its animation overwrites the bard forced-dance skill, something entirely worth 15s.