Which Vitalized Cord should I buy?

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Rattophaxe, Apr 1, 2022.

  1. Rattophaxe Well-Known Member

    So I finally got enough Obol Obscura to get the 325 resolve belt, but now I have to choose from
    1. AE auto + flurry
    2. Casting speed + mit
    3. ADC + reuse speed
    An earlier thread implied that, out of this set, ADC would be favourite -- is that the general recommendation for a tank class? It seems a little counter-intuitive...
  2. DENSER Well-Known Member


    You r right, ADC will be the best.
    Cause u need 350+ to b good ( cause bosses debuff)
    Cause u need dps to build your aggro.
    Cause now, any classes only want 3.4 stats regardless of their roles in the party or the descriptions of the various items.
    Twyla likes this.
  3. Rattophaxe Well-Known Member

    So basically every class wants ADC, and things like flurry & mit are irrelevant? One wonders why they bothered to have 3 versions of each item.
    Suidakra and Twyla like this.
  4. Miauler Active Member

    Correct, as stands, ADC is heavily debuffed, and if it's high enough will double the damage of your Combat Arts reliably by casting them twice.
    Flurry has an effect on autoattack, which takes it from negligible to negligible plus a fraction of that added on top.
    Mit doesn't seem to have a huge effect most of the time (unlike EQ1, where if you don't have it or avoidance, you'll spend ALL your time prodding daisies. From beneath).
    AE auto is useful for pinging things, but doesn't do much damage.
    Casting speed, you need at 100 (maybe about 115-120, as I've seen it dip a bit in some fights), but that's easy to get.
    Reuse speed, the same.
    ADC is the "must have" stat of this xpac so far.

    If I remember correctly, the combat stats were actually useful right at the start of the xpac, but almost immediately a way was discovered using perfectly legitimate spell/ability combos to make the damage output truly insane. So rapid changes were made to the combat system to stop that and the stats haven't become useful again yet. I may be misremembering events though.
    Rattophaxe likes this.