Which Pet?

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-crewguy72, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-crewguy72 Guest

    My question is which pet AFTER the "Fallen Hero" is as good/better as far as being able to tank a mob?

    Thanks for any replies in advance :)
  2. ARCHIVED-Viromage Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-crewguy72 Guest

    Sorry i should have mentioned I'm lvl 30. Which is the next pet that can Tank like the Hero?
  4. ARCHIVED-Anganos Guest

    UA -Adept 3 if you got the coin
  5. ARCHIVED-crewguy72 Guest

    OK so how long should i use UA adept 3? When is the next strongest pet, what lvl?

    Thank you for your replies :)
  6. ARCHIVED-Hoom Guest

    Use the UA adept III until you scribe the Rotting Thrall at 38.6. I hit 35 last night and the UA continues to shine.

    i had the ua master and it didnt tank any better than the hero.
  8. ARCHIVED-Mephlich Guest

    Exactly what Hoom said, the UA adept III will go blue at 38, so you only have %60 of a level till the RT...... which at Adept III is quite a beast.
  9. ARCHIVED-umerr Guest

    My UA Adept III was tanking single heroic mob for my group as well as the guardian at my same level at level 37. This was against single ^^ mob and I had to lay back on my dps and concentrate on heals/ward.
  10. ARCHIVED-ltankhsd Guest

    Hmm I use the Grim Corruptor and have been soloing with him since lvl 30. I do have a nice RT Adept III waiting for me though.