Where did this come from?!

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Cronyn, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Eveningsong Guest

    Do you really have to ask? lol
  2. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-cashp Guest

    Cronyn wrote:
    Of course. Also since Aurelis has not seen this yet, I will put in another of course from her, until she sees it =p
  4. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    This was wonderful hair-pulling fun! It's almost sad that it's the last set of notes. *sniff* Thank you guys for setting this up!
    And thank you, imprisoned Erudin scholar for sending the pages to us on Norrath! Will we get to see more of him?

    I'd also like to thank my cats, who helped emensly in the ways that cats do, like stealing my only pencil or re-arranging my papers and drinking the water from my cup and keeping that one Erudin symbol that looks like a dragon from eating my face. Thank you, kitties, you will be rewarded in sunfish.
  5. ARCHIVED-Azarphan Guest

    Fantastic! I was mostly correct in orientation and assembly. Don't suppose I can I have the .psd file for this so I can compare that to mine? I need a picture of that to hang in Boomba's guild hall that thing is rad looking, definitly making this into a mega cool wallpaper.
    Thanks Cronyn Kiara and Gnorbin for this really awesome puzzle to solve.
    I especially loved it cause it was in Erud. I have been waiting for Odus to return since the first expansion was on the horizon. As any of my game mates can confirm I have a special fondness for the Erudite's and the history of Paineel which is why Malachi carry's the surname Faratain. Now there is some lore I would like to hear, what happed to Darton and Faratain and their descendants.
    Awesome Job to all who participated and special thanks to Rune for being a fantastic chronicler. Looking forward to setting foot in Paineel again soon.
    Oh an yes please on that book Cronyn I will dust off a special spot for it in Boomba Squad's guild hall library. It would be cool if it were written in Erudite as well so only those blessed with the learned tongue can gaze upon the words and understand.
  6. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Cronyn wrote:
    That would be awesome!
  7. ARCHIVED-paulgh Guest

    IN A SI
    FIND T


    dwarf -> real name of lore 2

    Esteemed scholars,

    I apologize for my long absence. Unfortunately, I was discovered translating the third set of researchers notes and have been imprisoned for some time. I cannot be certain of my fate, although what happens to me now is of little consequence, for the information I have is invaluable. It details a troubling event involving not only in the history of the erudites, but possibly all of norrath.

    When the guards caught me I was able to hide away the pieces of the journal I had copied. I knew that I was under suspicion and I copied all of the notes I found onto individual pieces of parchment. During my imprisonment, I have been able to translate the documents where there has been ample light and minimal supervision. Thus I give you now the last piece of the researchers notes. I feel there may be more beyond this (but i) am no longer free to locate them. Consider this as the last.

    As I translated each page I was able to send the parchment through a (void po)cket as I have done before. However, I have been kept in a weakened state and can no longer fully complete the r(itual) for transference. Therefore I believe the pages are stuck in the final stages of materialization and might not have (made it to) the physical plane. I suspect these partially materialized pages may appear as something akin to a small storm(cloud) of dark energy. I attempted to place them close to the highest concentrations of the populace of Norrath. Search near the larger cities to find them.

    The pages will appear blank. I wrote them with a special ink that prevents the script from being seen even when held against the light. You will need to create a special wash in order to make the script appear to your eyes. First you must obtain an ink made with enchanted water. As you know this is not hard to come by. This ink you should be able to find within any of the libraries of norrath contained in a simple vial. The ink itself, however, is not enough. You must create a wash by combining the ink with volcanic ash. The chemical properies of the ash will change the enchanted ink into the necessary wash and allow the pages to reveal their words. You can find the ash near any volcano be it active or burned out.

    Once you have collected the twelve pages and have the ink and ash to hand, purchase a leatherback tome cover from the sages. This will help to preserve the fragile parchment and keep it safe for all to see. Combine these items in the tome cover and you will have completed the notes. I believe this is the last you will hear from me. I am grateful that these notes now have seen the light of norrath and I (was able to pro)vide valuable information to (all the crafte)rs and adventurers of our (homeland. T)ell my friends, may know(ledge be y)our savior in the ti(mes ahe)ad.

    Kiara, could you give the names of the two missing pieces?

  8. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

  9. ARCHIVED-Aurelis Guest

    Cronyn wrote:
    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.
    Is that enough yes's? No?
    Yes yes yes, YES yes, yes... yes.
    That enough?
  10. ARCHIVED-paulgh Guest



    There seems to be an 'M' missing in pie (edit: it's actually in innoruk)
    My finally completed translation:

    Esteemed scholars,

    I apologize for my long absence. Unfortunately, I was discovered translating the third set of researchers notes and have been imprisoned for some time. I cannot be certain of my fate, although what happens to me now is of little consequence, for the information I have is invaluable. It details a troubling event involving not only in the history of the erudites, but possibly all of norrath.

    When the guards caught me I was able to hide away the pieces of the journal I had copied. I knew that I was under suspicion and I copied all of the notes I found onto individual pieces of parchment. During my imprisonment, I have been able to translate the documents where there has been ample light and minimal supervision. Thus I give you now the last piece of the researchers notes. I feel there may be more beyond this set, but I fear I am no longer free to locate them. Consider this as the last.

    As I translated each page I was able to send the parchment through a teleportation pocket as I have done before. However, I have been kept in a weakened state and can no longer fully complete the rituals necessary for transference. Therefore I believe the pages are stuck in the final stages of materialization and might not have emerged in the physical plane. I suspect these partially materialized pages may appear as something akin to a small storm, a cloud of dark energy. I attempted to place them close to the highest concentrations of the populace of Norrath. Search near the larger cities to find them.

    The pages will appear blank. I wrote them with a special ink that prevents the script from being seen even when held against the light. You will need to create a special wash in order to make the script appear to your eyes. First you must obtain an ink made with enchanted water. As you know this is not hard to come by. This ink you should be able to find within any of the libraries of norrath contained in a simple vial. The ink itself, however, is not enough. You must create a wash by combining the ink with volcanic ash. The chemical properies of the ash will change the enchanted ink into the necessary wash and allow the pages to reveal their words. You can find the ash near any volcano be it active or burned out.

    Once you have collected the twelve pages and have the ink and ash to hand, purchase a leatherback tome cover from the sages. This will help to preserve the fragile parchment and keep it safe for all to see. Combine these items in the tome cover and you will have completed the notes. I believe this is the last you will hear from me. I am grateful that these notes now have seen the light of norrath and I hope they provide valuable information to the scholars and adventurers of our world. Farewell my friends, may knowledge be our savior in the times ahead.

    Thanks to all.
  11. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

    Cronyn wrote:
    OMG YES!
    And please include the artwork with it as the first page, a'la the way the LON books list the paintings perhaps? Would be stellar.
  12. ARCHIVED-Runelaron Guest

    Cronyn wrote:
    Hell yeah..
  13. ARCHIVED-Runelaron Guest

    Great work all! Fun to have completed it. Love puzzles. and had a wonderful time working with you.

    Hope to see you all on the next puzzle.

    Complied the final version. Will assemble parts later for reference if wanted.

    Now im going to find this book in game..
  14. ARCHIVED-Azarphan Guest

  15. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

  16. ARCHIVED-PsiaMeese Guest

    Thank you the Dev Team for these fun experiences.
    And thank you to my fellow players who poured over the glyphs for translation. Our true scholars. I loved it, but it made my head hurt. I'm off to find the pages!
  17. ARCHIVED-Meridia Guest

    Cronyn wrote:
    Yes, please! :)
  18. ARCHIVED-rkid Guest

    Serenitii@Permafrost wrote:
    I'll send cookies if you do!

    And once again fantastic job on the headache! When's the next one?
  19. ARCHIVED-Orpheus666 Guest

    Kithicor Location for ash found in TD at: 2,987.46, 6.43, 1,171.39
    Didn't find anything at lavastorm ...
  20. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Aneova@Kithicor wrote:
    I mentioned the location of the ash on Kithicor to the Lore channel when I disco'd it.
    So has the whole thing been finished yet? The only reason I haven't responded to this thread yet is because I'm not good at translating, and.. quite frankly, everyone jumped at it like vultures long before I ever could.