What is the headless horsemen respawn timer?

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-Gargamel, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    What many fail to realize is that everyone does have a chance of getting HH. Maybe it's not your rules, however, the mob is "contested."
    The word comes from the verb "contest" which means competition.
    So, if you want to play nice and let everyone have a chance at HH, then SoE should put the MoB into a zone. That way each of you can zone in at your leisure with your own hand picked group and slay the HH. Then you can be happy!
    But it's more challenging to have competition over who pulls this MOB, keeps him and kills him. After all, it doesn't take an uber group to do so - all you need is master gear or better.
    What it does take is a bit of cunning, ability to spam the tree and hope that when HH does spawn he targets the necklace of someone in your group. Then despite the audience, you are savvy and talented enough to keep him and take him down.
    Everyone has a shot. That is not the question. The question is whether or not you can handle competition over a contested mob.
    BTW, this morning about 11am central time, some of the peeps from my raiding guild decided to group up and kill HH. They were waiting for 2 of the members to get to the staging area in NEK Forest. No one else was there. In a couple minutes a group of mostly non-guilded peeps without mythicals and fable gear came on the scene. So, you have two groups - one mythical, fable T-4 gear mostly and uber dps; and one group mostly pu with various gear and only one peep with a mythical.
    The competition began and both groups spammed for HH's attention. Guess who won..... the pu group, despite the odds. The uber group, disappointed but left... and yeah, they'll be back to try again. After all - it is contested and everyone has a shot - that is, if you want to take it.
    However, if you want it handed to you - ask SoE to give you a special "vanilla" zone under your rules of non-contested MoB. But don't ask another group to stand down just to give you a shot! LOL That certainly defeats the meaning of "contested."
    You want fair? Then be gracious and congratulate the winner. Then come back another time and try your luck at a contested MOB again. That makes you uber... and the real winner.
  2. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    Elhonas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    LOL... sarcasm is so lost on you.... seriously.
    I'm done with this "discussion" with you. You want me to "show you an instance of a group of 'casual' players locking down this content for hours on end." Well... i don't know what kind of proof you're expecting, but i happen to know one of the more casual guilds on my server has had people sitting on that spawn point just as much as the top guilds on my server. I've also seen PUG's forming to camp it. But my "proof" is about as good as your "proof" that only "raid guilds" are monopolizing this spawn.
  3. ARCHIVED-Skexiss Guest

    Mystfit wrote:
    I agree. It is pretty lame of folks to camp this 24/7 and not allow others a go at it.
  4. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    Sabaar@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Why is it lame? Its a contested mob, that's what the meaning of the word is. If you want it, you wait for it, and hope it picks you when it spawns. Is it guaranteed you're gonna get it? Nope... oh well. Do you HAVE to camp it 24/7 to get a chance? NOT AT ALL.
  5. ARCHIVED-Aerfen Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    Did this ever get resolved and I missed it? Or was this still being looked into?
  6. ARCHIVED-HeiligHangranate Guest

    From the patch notes, they're changing the spawn location of the HH to be in random locations, not just under that tree. Therefore, the spamming blue AoE technique should be ineffective. Also, you have to offer your necklace to him to make him aggro, which means only one necklace will be taken per spawn, and the first person to offer him the necklace will get him. This will greatly reduce the "harvesting" problem.
    While some people claim that he used to be a "contested" spawn, in reality he was a "monopolized" spawn. Having a dozen x2 raids standing toe-to-toe and spamming their blue AoEs isn't very appealing to most casual players.
  7. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    HeiligHangranate wrote:
    raids? most had maybe 1 group :p
  8. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    HeiligHangranate wrote:
    Well SOE didn't make HH a casual mob. Its a raid mob with raid quality loot.
  9. ARCHIVED-Sacra Magice Guest

    So, what's the respawn timer now?

    I think it was more than doubled
  10. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Gage wrote:
    It's a casual mob with raid quality loot. That x2 tag means nothing
  11. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    In actuality the neck spawn item is a bit excessive.
    There is no reason people should be able to get one every 10 minutes.
    It should of been a lvl 75+ quest and a 1 time reward.
    It would still be contested but not monopolized by the same people.
  12. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Ahlana wrote:
    To you. Tell that to the people locking him down.
  13. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Malachani wrote:
    Fantastic! Go back to camping your spawn already. :)
  14. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    Elhonas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I haven't spent even 1 minute camping the spawn. So kindly take your assumptions and stick it.
  15. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Malachani wrote:
    Then why are you in this discussion at all?
  16. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    Elhonas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Because I can have an opinion about something without actually being there. Contested is contested. Sorry if it hurts your feelings that you might have to fight someone else to get a mob, but that's the nature of the beast. Keep trying and you too can kill him, I'm sure.
  17. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Malachani wrote:
    I actually have killed him, and got a nice belt for my warden. :) I jumped into the discussion because of all the sheer stupidity that I saw while waiting for him to spawn, and because I've seen the same guild camp this mob for days on end. There's a point where a situation goes from folks competing for a contested mob, to folks being jerks. I've actually met a couple of nice folks from this particular guild, and their reputation will probably be tarnished just for being part of it.
  18. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    Elhonas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    And I only jumped in because people were unfairly pointing fingers at "raid guilds" when ANY guild could monopolize this spawn. People were trying to make "raid guilds" out to be a negative connoation, when I've personally seen people from all spectrum of guilds sitting on that camp spot. Its not fair to blame or accuse "raid guilds" when it was only one guild (according to some).
  19. ARCHIVED-Kimiz Guest

    wow 6 hour spawn time ......thats not a slight increase
  20. ARCHIVED-thepcguy Guest

    Good luck attemping him he is perma camped on our server
    and the RAID guild that does the perma camping sells
    off all his loot for phat plat. So much for being a contested.