What I really really want for Frostfell

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Rael, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Rael Member

    I know this has been said no end of times, but I would love a station that we can craft Frostfell items from all year round. We can make all other seasonal items (mats permitting) but I never know what I'm going to want and last year I had a bunch of stuff sitting around taking up space because I was 'certain I would need/want it sooner or later' A lot of people do their Frostfell decorating well before the time to be prepared and it would be nice not to have to hope there was something left on the broker at exorbitant prices

    Also I am ecstatic about the reindeer warder, couldn't have wished for anything better, but maybe equally as good would have been a way to let us keep Crumbles from the dungeon as a little fluff pet. My poor ratonga was really sad to see him go and it took a lot to get him to leave the dungeon and Crumbles behind.

  2. Katz Well-Known Member

    I would love for them to make a quest series similar to a heritage quest to get frostfell crafting stations.
  3. Lera Well-Known Member

    They should bring back the crafting island in Everstorm (that's next to Lavafrost) and put all the Frostfell crafting stations there. Then it can go away during Frostfell to get people into Frostfell Wonderland.

    We also need craftable snowpeople. Bring back the craftable snowpeople.