What Happens to Sales Crates in Houses When Sub Goes from Gold to Silver?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by redwoodtreesprite, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Been wondering this for a while. If an account that is gold uses sales displays to post on the broker, what happens when that account goes off gold?

    Do the containers stop showing as in a person's house, but the goods still for sale? And what about if one of them is a veteran's sales display?
  2. napu Member

    i read that anything you had on sale remains on sale but you can't add more. ive never tried it though.
  3. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Hmm. I am guessing things would still be listed, but would players still be able to buy from the sales displays I wonder...
  4. napu Member

    i assume silver members can put sales crates in their home, they just cant sale items in them without buying the credits.
  5. Andariel Member

    I can confirm once you move from gold to silver the items stay on broker you just cant add anymore without tokens. I had stuff listed in Vet Case and Saleman Crates works just fine.
  6. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I plan to sub my main secondary account later all the time, but am gold for a month or two for now. I will go ahead and use some sales displays for the more expensive merchandise then. :)