Weapons other than the standard monk one's

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Mystryon, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mystryon Guest

    Okay I've read and understand about the weapon stats and delay bit, but what about weapons other than what most monks use. Like using one handed hammers and whatnot, is it really just not a way to go? Thanks for any info..
  2. ARCHIVED-AustinB Guest

    It doesn't really matter what style of weapon you use. Just make sure that when dual-wielding you use weapons that have the same delay. I also wouldn't go for weapons slower than 2.0 because with our haste it can be very difficult to time weapons that are too fast. The only other real consideration would be to make sure you have the weapons relevant skill maxed out for your level. For example, you will want to work on your slashing skill if you want to use a slashing weapon.