Warder Stats Shifting

Discussion in 'Beastlord' started by ARCHIVED-Dalamar777, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dalamar777 Guest

    When I cast a warder (any of them) with my diety pet up, and then cancel the diety pet, the warder's health will go from 35k to 50k. I've done this with several different warders, and while the health varies between them, the bug always happens. I have no other buffs up aside from the diety pet and the warder. I've even cleared my AAs (though not the warder AAs).

    1) Cast diety pet (Bristlebane in my case)
    2) Cast Warder (bear this time around)
    At this point the health will be 35k.
    3) Cancel the diety pet and the health will change (up to 50k for me)
    At this point I can recast the diety pet and the Warder health stays at 50k.

    This is using the default or custom UI. So how do I determine the real health of my warder?