Warden leveling spec?

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-Gyza, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gyza Guest

    I have read the stickies, and think I got a decent idea of how the Warden works.

    What I am seeing alot of though is healing specs / melee specs.
    What should I do? What would be good as a "leveling" spec?

    I went down the druid tree first. Was ok
    I switched to getting all of the spell > melee abilities....and I seem to kill faster now.
    Is there a right way to spec....or a better way?
    If anyone has some good links to read with some AA builders please let me know!!!
  2. ARCHIVED-joyhinia Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Gyza Guest

    This is excellent. I need to take out the wasted AA's in snare and move them to druid. Thanks man!
  4. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    That's a pretty good guide for beginning wardens. The only things I'd suggest are to also pick up Enhance: Warden of the Forest from the Wardens tree as well as soon as you can, because it offers a substantial amount of physical mitigation boost. Also, you will want to fill out the Nature Walk tree as one of your top priorities behind the Wardens tree and the Strength tree, as it offers immunity to root and a 50% reduction in all snare effects for your entire group. Other abilities like Tortoise Shell and serenity are fantastic, but not as indespensible at lower levels like the aforementioned trees.
  5. ARCHIVED-Arielle Nightshade Guest

    There isn't a ton of difference in your healing if you take the combat arts, either. Nothing you spec in that direction really affects how well you can heal at lower levels, but having some Dps really helps move things along.