Wanted additions to default UI

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Deson, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Rearrarangeable Group window: I've seen it commented on before in another thread but want to add support here.
    (Editted because after rereading the thread, the suggestions here originally were already posted by me)
  2. ARCHIVED-Scythien Guest

    Default UI Raid Window. While it's 'Diet' was nice, on a full 24-man raid it is now near impossible to find somewhere that I can r-click to toggle between Normal and Advanced versions.
  3. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    Scythienne@Splitpaw wrote:
    I'm going to make a couple of other tweaks to the window, mainly to tone down the background colors a bit, shrink the power bar a couple pixels and possibly change the font of the name to be something more readable at a smaller font.
    I'll look into adding the toggle option to the menu when you right-click a player.
  4. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    More docking windows: I'd like to be able to dock some windows together like my health/power/conc(player) window and my xp bar or an AA slider element (or editable percentage window) that I can dock with either the xp window or player window.
  5. ARCHIVED-Gomora_Toad Guest

    Regarding the advanced raid window - it now constantly shows faded detrimental icons. These can be distracting, and make it very hard to see when players have certain detrimental effects on them (mainly things represented by incurable icons, like Mynzak's Deep Freeze and Xebnok's Mental Breakdown). Could we please have the ability to toggle it back to the way it functioned before the latest game update, where the icons would only show if someone had an effect on them?
  6. ARCHIVED-Eveningsong Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    I apparently missed your comment earlier but someone brought it to my attention in another thread. I totally agree with trying to avoid clutter for folks who don't need the features, which is why I was surprised to see the recent changes to the raid window. Adding the placeholder icons for the detriments in the raid window (and actually making the progress bars larger) adds a huge amount of clutter to a screen that is already often overloaded while raiding. As someone relatively new to playing a raiding healer, I am finding myself spending way too much time doublechecking my raid window for detrimentals to cure rather than paying attention to other things. Previously, when the detrimental just appeared next to the name, it was quick and obvious when someone needing curing, but now you have to actually stop and scrutinize the window to see if one of the icons is a bit more solid than the others (perhaps this is made worse in my case because I have dropped opacity a bit on my raid window in an attempt to make it block less screen space). Please consider making the placeholder icons an optional setup, as I (and many others I raid with) find it a very distracting/cluttering change to what I had thought was a solidly useful raid UI.
  7. ARCHIVED-Sanlron Guest

  8. ARCHIVED-Drumstix Guest

    Scythienne@Splitpaw wrote:
    Usually the easiest place to right click any window is to move the cursor to the outside, where it gives you the reisze cursor type. You can right click on the borders just the same.
  9. ARCHIVED-Gargamel Guest

    Hey Rothgar, can we puuhhhlease get an option to turn off all those annoying 'placeholder' effect icons.
    Its 10x harder to notice people with effects on them with all the clutter they add to the UI.
    Esp. considering how the raids are designed in ToS, being able to easily and quickly see det effects.
    Having an 'ON/OFF' situation being an icon or no icon is ALOT easier than having an icon greyed out (off), an icon slightly greyed out (on but incurable) or an icon somewhat lit (on and curable) system.
  10. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Add: Toggleable numeric recast overlay for icons: This is for both hotbar and the maintained/detrimental/spell effects windows. An argument can also be made for the maintained window including names but for most of the game that seems like it would be a bit much.
  11. ARCHIVED-Thunndar316 Guest

    Make the windows and hotbars easier to move and resize.
    Tired of trying to hover my mouse pointer over the exact micro dot required to change them.