Veteran Rewards for All! Official Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Isulith, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mike585 Guest

    Elhonas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Well they did, and it was mentioned further back by others in this thread as well. Also, I never said I didn't have said vet rewards already, so don't jump to conclusions. I am simply stating that to "do what they had to" would require all players to have an account for many, many more years. There is NO harm in giving older customers a little slack (or at least a way to catch up). Oh btw, they don't have to pay for their vet rewards anymore, and neither do you! You keep missing my point completely, and should just refrain from posting your ignorant responses on my opinions. Thank you.
  2. ARCHIVED-Elevane Guest

    Maybe this will answer some questions....about the time SF released, SOE decided not to count any time your PAID account was not active. Example, my sister let her paid account lapse for nearly a year, then paid for 2 months. The whole time her F2P was silver and she actively played. She did NOT get the time on her Live account for any time her account was not actively paid for. So, unless SOE gives everyone who did not play during your "time off" I would have to say no you aren't going to get retroactive. It simply means whatever you had will still be there and anything new would add to it. It's how hers is now with the merge to all around f2p she didn't get any retroactive anything and no time added while her live account was not active. This actually makes sense whether you like it or not this does seem not only fair but common sense says it keeps a lot of not needed bugs from having to be fixed over and over again. Is it not enough to get them? To get free silver account? Or even to get Silver for $5? I paid way more than that and I had an active live account.
    I paid $25 a pop to copy 3 toons to extended that in the end I had to delete and I didn't get my money back. I think that getting a lot of these things everyone is getting is great customer service but you don't keep giving and giving because someone is never going to be happy. Be happy with what you have, enjoy the game or don't. I see 99% of the posts in this forum complaining about one thing or another like it's a life or death situation. If you're playing for free then why are you even complaining and if you're paying for the game then you should have already known that SOE dropped the adding time even when you weren't actively paying for it a very very very long time ago.
    Yes, this is a game, and yes we pay for it and yes we should get what we pay for but SOE is a business and at some point they do have to make money or those Devs you whine to about wanting more content get laid off and you don't get halfa** content you get NO content.
  3. ARCHIVED-daalberith Guest

    I touched on the discrepancy in an earlier post, but the mention of the credit Freeport accounts recived towards their vet time makes me think of it again.
    Why not just start the flat accruement date when Freeport went live instead of the 8th of this month or whatever it is since Exteneded accounts created there are getting credit for as early as that even if they weren't actively being played that whole time when Live accounts aren't?
    I don't see why throwing live accounts that small of a bone would be a problem. It would equal things out a bit at any rate. I think that might be the only part of this mess that strikes me as a bit unfair.

    But at least both of the accounts I have active right now have their vet rewards, so thank you for that at least.
  4. ARCHIVED-Nashbry Guest

    daalberith wrote:
    What discrepancy? I certainly did not get my Freeport time added to my Live time. SJ in his post about F2P questions, clearly states that the two histories would merge---they did not...I promise you or my account age would be higher. I was told by support that they took the greater of the ages and granted us that, that they never intended nor will they add the paid time from extended to my account age.
  5. ARCHIVED-daalberith Guest

    Nashbry wrote:
    Um, the one I posted about earlier? I have one account created for Extended on Nov 12 '10 that was Silver with only about 3 months ever payed on it as Gold or All Access before the game went fully FTP that has 762 days credited to it right now. That account never interacted with a Live account or server before the game went FTP but has more time credited to it than I think it should, to be honest. I have another account that was created on Nov 13 '04 that never logged into Extended at all so all of it's time is calculated properly like pretty much any other purely Live account would have been with 2144 days credited to it. Why is the account created for Extended getting so much credit for time played when it wasn't even actively being used the whole time while the account that was only ever played on Live isn't being given the same benefit from a certain date forward? If the Extended account is being credited for all of that time active or not why isn't the Live account? That doesn't make any sense.
  6. ARCHIVED-MystsofLedge12 Guest

    Tigress wrote:
    No but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

    Well as absurd as it is, their original statement must be taken at face value...... the Smoke Jumper guy who oddly cant use his real name on the forums, either by habit or not needs to learn not to vaguely state items.
    Seriously, they should consider this especially with the release of SW:TOR, i've noticed a huge drop in players since... it may help in some way.
  7. ARCHIVED-Rebu Guest

    So wait did I just read this right?? They are going back and giving it to all plays say you made your account when gamed launched and then came back yesterday you get all the vet rewards?
  8. ARCHIVED-Asif Guest

    Hozuki@Befallen wrote:
    No thats not fair to those of us who have been here since day one and stayed & payed.
  9. ARCHIVED-Asif Guest

    MystsofLedge12 wrote:
    ONLY if you stayed and paid is the way it should be.
    No one who created there toons on the first day like myself but left the game for along enough time should not get 8 year rewards .
    I paid for these rewardsby being a loyal customer for the whole time if you were not here and paying and playing why should you get it.
  10. ARCHIVED-WildiwenBloodbriar Guest

    The only issue I have now, is that I just got my 6 year vet reward and the 2 appearance items are fabled. My account is flagged as Silver, and as such I can't wear the 2 items...I don't care how the vet rewards are calculated, but if I'm given something by SOE like this, I expect to be able to wear it...Please fix/change this so that anyone with the 6 year reward can wear the cap and cloak.
  11. ARCHIVED-Techromos Guest

    Asif wrote:
    Why? Because while we may not be active every month since creation. We have sadly, bought way more cash shop items then we ever should have while being subscribed.
    We may not be plain old paying the sub fee since our accounts birth but we have paid tons while sub'd for our shiny houses, mounts, housing items, appearance items, character transfers, race change, name change etc. (in my case a year after I moved my toons the rest of my server got moved for free from D'lere.)
    Also we keep comming back whenever we can afford it, so by your statment we aren't loyal? Please my friend grow up. With the fact that vet rewards aren't going to be the same as they once were, they should be moved to account age. Every single referral I've ever gotten now has nearly the same vet time as a person who played for 3 years. For not being a sub'd member every month since 2005. Every single friend and member of the Gamers Asylum community I've gotten to play this game more then makes up for not being your idea of a "Loyal customer".
  12. ARCHIVED-Techromos Guest

    Vanir@Befallen wrote:
    I would hope you bug report that. Some of the rewards I've seen have already been given the tag unlocked automatically. Otherwise it would be them saying "Here's a gift, thanks for playing. Now toss us 30cents please!" Which although companies have done some pretty jerkish things in the past I doubt this would be one of them. They prolly just over looked it.
  13. ARCHIVED-MystsofLedge12 Guest

    Asif wrote:

    Acually what does fairness have to do with misleading and false statements by senior managers of SOE?

    I'm sure the billing dept thanks you for your support.
  14. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Mike585 wrote:
    Dude, I'm not the one missing the point. You're the one missing the point, but I get yours. You want vet rewards for all, including people who did not earn them. You don't see the harm in giving people vet rewards that they did not earn. That's your point. I get it. It's just a stupid point. For you to call my posts ignorant is pretty laughable. As for your assertion that vet rewards were once given by date of account creation, and not by the amount of time that an account was active, prove it. Show me the documentation by SOE. Just because you said it and "others" said it, doesn't make it so.
  15. ARCHIVED-MystsofLedge12 Guest

    That Says we get em, that may not have been their intentions but that is the base statement that says so. Now they can be jerks and fight or they can do the right thing (and legal) and make what they said correct.
    this was no misprint no typo it was a statement, there was by the way no clarification and vagueness and under the law we as the consumer have protections.
  16. ARCHIVED-Zehl_Ice-Fire Guest

    I just got my 8 year today, because it's the actual 8 year paid time of 2 of my accounts, not creation. I wonder if this is really going in. I don't have an account to check about free people getting access to their previously earned vet rewards when they were subscribed. I hope so, I think that was shameful that if you paid to play the game for 6 years and had not claimed a vet reward and went free you couldn't access them at all.
  17. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    Zehl_Ice-Fire wrote:
    My silver account that was opened in 2006 originally has the 5 year vet reward. Hadn't touched it since kunark.
  18. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    Dale@The Bazaar wrote:
    I never felt special for paying to play a video game.
  19. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    MystsofLedge12 wrote:
    If the red underlined is correct, I'd have 7 year rewards as my account was opened in late 2005. I have 5 year.. no 6, and certainly not 7.
    I'm not pitching a fit about it, but I am curious if they botched it somehow.
    My 2006 created silver account has the 5 year on it.. and its only a year younger than this one.
  20. ARCHIVED-ErelasAlcarinque Guest

    An official reply would be so very nice in here. I've spoken with two different CSR's at SOE and they even disagree with each other on whether the emphasis is placed upon account creation or whether there are two different timers, the last starting when EQ2 went f2p.

    Obviously, the Knowledge Base is lacking in updates, especially since the f2p model was initiated. Sending people to an admitted incorrect / outdated reference is annoying to the consumer.
    Thanks for listening !