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Vaashkaani: Golden Rule [Solo] The Storm Mistress

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Mowse, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. Mowse Well-Known Member

    HO's are not always successful with the Orbs. Reading Wiki and I can't let 3 orbs up at one time or I am dead. Sometimes I can kill 1 or 2 but the third doesnt take any damage. Sometimes i can't even get one down. their health remains full.. and yes I am using HO's.
    I am a warden
    I play solo. What bothers me most is it is inconsistant of being able to get through this zone.
    And i am using the right adorns.. wiki says he stuns
  2. Chrol Developer

    You need to target the lightning anchor and complete a Heroic Opportunity using a detrimental ability against it. It's not that intuitive, so with the next update you'll be able to remove Bolted from ALL lightning anchors through Heroic Opportunities completed with either detrimental or beneficial abilities, as long as a lightning anchor is targeted.
    SolarFaire, Benj and Twyla like this.
  3. Mowse Well-Known Member

    thank you for the response. It was crazy making
  4. Southwalker Member

    I've just tried here today on my 128 inq, and it's driving me mad! first anchor appears,I complete a HQ and it starts to drop in health,then suddenly stops! I cannot get it down past 22%,got wiped about 6 times trying!!