Upgraded DMP BPs: No Brawler/Druid BP Available

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Buffrat, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    So. You make these super cool new BP upgrades, that are (barely) best in slot. And then there's no BP for Brawlers or Druids. In fact the only usable items off this mob for Brawlers are the wrist and ear, which are usable by everyone. Would be cool if you bumped the scout bps down to leather and made a 4th bp that was a copy of the plate tank one for brawlers to pick.

    Update: I lied. They're new drops, can't be gotten from old drops though~ Disregard friends.
  2. Hert Member

    is there a brawler weapon now?
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