Updated: Server Downtime: Tues, July 7 @ 7AM PDT

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Jul 6, 2015.

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  1. Justbecause Active Member

    Did the guilds who lost a raid day in the past complain for a gesture of good will due to expansions and add ons? Seems like all of the EU people should petition to have their complaint heard by the people they aim it at rather than sit here in the forums and kick and scream like small children. You are not alone. I have been in a guild that lost raid days and never once did I feel obligated to tell them "thanks for the new content but I feel because it came a couple hours to late you should reward me specifically because my schedule conflicted with something out of the control of both parties." I will put money on it that if you were in their shoes we would be waiting years for you to make a functioning server on a couple month timeline. Think before you speak.....
    BlueSkye likes this.
  2. Amaitae Active Member

    yeah, but he wants a whole week. im fine with perma double exp.
  3. Justbecause Active Member

    lol, I don't think anyone would have an issue with that.
  4. Amaitae Active Member

    squirrels! are you nuts?
  5. Deeku Member

    Just need to wonder why they did the patch today instead of the normal EU downtime which was 7am UK time. To degenerate back to old, bad ways is just - well - bad.
  6. Vitriol Member

    This is absolutely a joke...
  7. Boli Active Member

    I dunno... I would prefer a more imaginative way than double XP; double or triple "updates" when tinkering/adorning/transmuting would be nice as well ;)
  8. Biffleur New Member

    Rien à voir avec ce que je dis....

    Je ne fais pas raid et ça me va très bien, en revanche je paie pour un abonnement, que le serveur ait des problèmes soit !

    Mais la communication d'autiste dont fait preuve la société est la limite de l'incompétence ! Si tu aimes payer, être otage d'incompétent et en être heureux c'est ton choix. Maintenant je ne t'obliges pas à me lire.
    Je disais simplement que oui effectivement, les gestes commerciaux sont un gage de respect et de sens des affaires, le mépris des clients ne paie pas, si tu ne le comprends pas, ne te lance jamais dans le commerce...
  9. Boli Active Member

    So 3pm PDT - this works out to 11pm UK time and later for our fellow Europeans.

    pretty much ruins my evening in eq2 :/
  10. Treson Member

    Where-as "we" all appreciate not having downtime in the middle of prime-time with NO updates on how long this was going to take. My whole guild have been sitting in Mumble for almost 2 hours waiting to either get on-line or be told that it wasn't worth wasting another minute of their time.

    Your Sig says you are the Everquest II Community Manager and it occurs to me that you'd best fulfil that role by Managing your Community by providing hourly updates on what's going on and stopping things from getting to the point where people are at each-others' throats in threads such as these.

    I believe that the Euro Servers have had this type of disruption to service several times during midweek prime-time recently with the same lack of any kind of meaningful support. We could care less what kind of Funk your internet is experiencing as long as it was experiencing it at say "2am" CET or that the downtime was run in parallel with your US Servers and they came back up when indicated.

    This isn't a personal attack nor is it discussion on moderation.
    Simparri, Lilaeth and Vitriol like this.
  11. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Please at least tell me that you aren't prioritizing the TLE servers over EU servers
    Lilaeth likes this.
  12. Vitriol Member

    Splitpaw, the red headed stepchild of EQ2
    Lilaeth likes this.
  13. Justbecause Active Member

    Don't think hostage is the correct word choice for your response. Anyhow does it suck that it has to be this way? Nobody is denying that fact. When you sit back and realize that the efforts of these people were in no way then or now a direct result of where we are now. That burden sits on the shoulders of someone else who won't show their face in the forums of their own game ever.
    Simparri likes this.
  14. Lilaeth Member

    Biffleur, l'ignorer. Il est un troll.
    Eloscian and Feldon like this.
  15. Matoo New Member

    Vous pouvez pas laisser les clients sans serveurs en soirée, c'est incroyable !

    You can not let guests in the evening without servers , it is amazing !
  16. Boneheed New Member

    sorry, missed your reply - yup afaik that's it, all ready. Unless someone knows better, we're just waiting for the on button?
  17. Yanan Member

    The TLE servers will bring more income hence a better usage of time. EU servers are legacy code and not a priority. The truth to the matter is this. No one will be happy until the EU servers are up because after they are up then the TLE will hopefully be opened up for Beta. This should answer your question.
  18. MadNightLife New Member

    got any information?
  19. Biffleur New Member

    Je comprends ce que tu dis, mais communiquer ne coute rien et soulagerait bien des tensions.

    Je me pose maintenant la même question qu'Errrorr
    Errrorr said :

    Please at least tell me that you aren't prioritizing the TLE servers over EU servers

    Maintenant tout est question de priorité. Pas sur que DB ait les mêmes que ses clients, mais je le spécule et je me trompe peut être, j'espère du moins.
  20. Amber New Member

    Valor ist immer noch nicht online, Valor ist seit 16:00 Uhr down (bereits 7 Stunden). Hat da jemand den Stecker gezogen? Eigentlich müsste Daybreak "Schadensersatz" an uns bezahlen.
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