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Update Notes - May 23, 2023

Discussion in 'Game Update Notes (Live)' started by Angeliana, May 22, 2023.

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  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    • A new Plume equipment slot has been added for event rewards!
    • Black Marble Column now has the BUILDING-BLOCK tag.
    • Night of the Dead Hobgoblin Costume - Player armor should no longer conflict with this illusion.
    • Implacable Trickster Bow - Now has a proper icon.
    • Implacable Seeker Bandolier - Now has a proper icon.
    • The bag of Dyrraga's Coins from The Merchant's Den can now be purchased for the same cost from the status merchant, Charifa, in Raj'Dur Plateaus, if your character earned the achievement, Triumph: Paid in Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
    • Blooming Band has been updated to have the correct amount of primary stats.
    • The following items have been updated to match intended progression:
      • Boots of the Indomitable
      • Gloves of the Indomitable
      • Pants of the Indomitable
      • Shoulder Pads of the Indomitable
      • Skullcap of the Indomitable
      • Tunic of the Indomitable
      • Wristguards of the Indomitable
    • Heroic Onslaught and Heroic Focus changes:
      • The duration of Heroic Focus has been increased from 4 to 8 hours.
      • The 8 hour duration of Heroic Focus counts down while offline.
      • Defeating [Heroic III] boss encounters in Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested] now increments Heroic Onslaught instead of Heroic Focus.
      • Increments of Heroic Onslaught are used to power Heroic Focus.
      • Heroic Focus is now an activatable effect from Heroic Onslaught.
      • Decreased the amount of Fervor and Fervor overcap granted by Heroic Focus to bring it more in line with progression.
      • Increased the effectiveness of Heroic Opportunities granted by Heroic Onslaught from 60% to 100%.
    • Kael Drakkel Server:
      • Since Beck Quantem's bags were in danger of hitting the overflow mark, his wife Becka has now joined him on the Thurgadin docks selling several hundred more house items from content that is above the maximum server level. (It should be noted that due to these being items that already exist on the live servers with values already coded onto the item, players will note a large difference in item prices, including some that will require guild status.)
    • Fixed an issue where race scoreboards were not tracking players properly.
    • Four variations of Greater Underfoot Transmuter's Slag have had the no-value tag removed, so that players may transmute them.
    • The recipes for Scroll of Fire Seeds and Poisoned Seeds of the Tender no longer produce itemses that are improperly pluralized, precious!
    • The reward from the Tinkerfest tradeskill instance, Tinkering Competition Supply Instructions [Reproduction] can now be placed in the house item depot.
    • The height of the persona window has been slightly increased to account for the new equipment slot.
      • (eq2ui_mainhud_persona.xml)
    • Fixed an issue where equipping items from your wardrobe on yourself (or your house displays) could equip the wrong item when using the icon selection UI.
    • Kael Drakkel:
      • Realizing that they are trying to send players to lands not unlocked on the Kael Drakkel server, the writ givers on the docks below Thurgadin along with Lieutenant Rennick and the New Combine Flightmaster have left. (It totally is not due to them being cold and wanting to warm up somewhere, really!)
    • Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [All Versions]
      • Vulgrat Vilebones can once again be damaged.
    Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]
    • Charming Bulbrusk the Bulbous' boom shrooms should now reduce increments of its buff, Mushroom Council.
    • The respawn variance for [Heroic III] bosses has increased, but the maximum delay remains unchanged.
    • A portal within the Branching Gateway (entrance room) has been added to transport to other instances of the same zone.
    Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering [Heroic]
    • Collection items drop chances have been equalized, so there are no longer any rare collection pieces.
    Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering [Solo]
    • Collection items drop chances have been equalized, so there are no longer any rare collection pieces.
    Renewal of Ro Raids
    • Combat mitigation has been lowered slightly for raid tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 encounters.
    Buried Takish'Hiz: Emergence From Stone [Raid]
    • The Stolen Advantage ability in the Stormbones encounter has been adjusted to be 0.25% per increment instead of 1% per increment.
    Castle Mistmoore [Contested]
    • Protectors in the contested Mayong Mistmoore encounter have had their health lowered slightly.
  2. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Added note under ZONES AND POPULATION.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
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