Upcoming PvP server - Info & Issues

Discussion in 'PvP TLE Discussion' started by Kazooooooooooo, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Siren Well-Known Member

    My point is that FFA actually splits the PvP server into 2 different, tinier servers, because nobody bothers to leave home. Then each of the 2 populations (FP and Q) is even smaller than it would be if both sides were forced to go after each other. Q suffers most because so many players want to be SKs, Necros and Brigs. I really don't agree about the overall population not supporting factions, and most people like factions better for the sense of community-building. People stick around a lot longer when they have both friends and enemies, instead of only enemies.

    If we're stuck factionless FFA, we'd better have racial tracking!

    Racial tracking doesn't make your Ranger any less viable: it just makes the other classes besides scouts more viable hands down! Scouts (except bards) still have poison, stealth and stuns. They're still OP even if others have tracking. No one's taking your tracking away! You're just not able to faceroll wins quite as easily when others have tracking, too. And tracking only works for same-side targets. As a Q, Freeps didn't show on my tracker, just Qs. On PvE servers racial tracking only shows friendlies.

    Casters are stuck standing still to cast, tanks get killed from afar constantly without even getting a shot in, and Shaman in particular have such miserably long cast times they're virtually unplayable on a PVP server. Tracking gives all the odd ducks just a tiny leg up that they desperately need.

    I can see why Darkpaw doesn't allow Beastlords and Channelers, because early content wasn't designed or balanced for them, but I admit I'd definitely play them if they allowed it. The drops are still in-game on every PvP server.
    Obano likes this.
  2. Formal New Member

    last one to log off the server, but yet you never made it to max? did you even pvp at all? The only reason the Russians were so dominant is because they never logged in without their stacked group, and they completely out geared the whole server due to them botting every x2 mob.
  3. Siren Well-Known Member

    This just in from Discord: Drew and Kander had a discussion about a new permanent PvP TL server possibly coming this quarter. You'll have to click on the pic of the chat to make it bigger, sorry.

    "This is what was shared in my guild I guess Kander is one of the lead devs or something, we're all really excited to come back once it launches."
    Obano likes this.
  4. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

    I don't think that FFA servers are the determining factor of people not leaving home. That is going to happen on both servers no matter what. FFA ensures there will be some targets, even if they're your own faction. You aren't required to kill them.

    Racial tracking isn't about a ranger but scouts as a whole. Every class has stuns and with proper CC durations you should see mages just as viable as scouts. Every single player has access to totems to see invis and stealth to prevent a gank without track. Every class has CC, only scouts have track. Not every class is built with heals and extra defensives but tanks are, they shouldn't also receive tracking. Racial tracking just allows certain classes like SK, warden to become oppressive and a one-stop why play anything else. Track on a single defiler is not going to balance the 50 million kerra SK's tracking you down with racial track and primal rage. If you're worried about scouts being OP, don't. They are still countered by tanks, kiting classes and well timed CC's. There are many other ways to balance scouts without giving their archetype identity to every single class in existence. Track is clearly a big deal on a PvP as you've so clearly stated.

    Would you rather half the server playing SK/Enchanter/Warden on kerra w/ racial track so they can run from any fight(or evac cause guess what, they have that too) or would you rather increase class diversity amongst the player base. Racial tracking just puts certain classes over a threshold that you are unable to balance which leads to an unstable server because you don't have the players/classes to keep things diverse, interesting and achievable.

    Imagine what would happen if you gave scouts taunts, heals or big nukes like mages. Doesn't work, shouldn't work the other way around.
  5. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

    I was aware of this but appreciate the consolidation of information as well as a proper source!
    Siren likes this.
  6. Siren Well-Known Member

    Yeah, especially since most PvPers are perma-banned off Discord. ;)
  7. sh33pOwner New Member

    Necro’s lifetap doubleheal and lich rebuff endless mana have to be fixed
    I’m for ffa pvp, longer cc duration and against token gear (at least for pve tokens)
  8. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

    I don't think lich is a huge deal, lifetap was pretty disgusting however last season if I recall correctly. If CC durations get looked at necro's heals should as well or they'll be close to unkillable!
  9. Fleshdecay Well-Known Member

    Even though most of us prefer faction based pvp, that can't be done anymore. Freeport is always going to at least double the population of Qeynos which leads to Q being overwhelmed by numbers and FP having few people to kill. FFA is really not all that bad. Make friends and group up.
    Solo pvp kind of dies with a smaller population as well (besides set up duels) Most people that are gonna be playing on this server have their cliques. That's just a heads up to anyone who may get pissed b/c they keep getting jumped by groups. Find a guild/friends.
  10. ConcealFate Well-Known Member

    that "conversation" with Kander didnt say that a pvp server was a definite, far from it really. Just sayin...
    Obano likes this.
  11. Siren Well-Known Member

    Actually, if it wasn't definite then Kander wouldn't be giving details like that it will be a permanent TL PvP server (versus another seasonal fail). :p Not to mention that he wouldn't be giving possible time frames like Q1.
    SevenShadows likes this.
  12. DefeatedZ Member

    Completely valid argument for it i guess. The only thing is pvp gear would need to be implemented well for it to work in any sort of way. I just feel that this is highly unlikely :p I would prefer keeping it to pve gear personally and fix all the other things but i get that this idea could potentially suck if the usual x2s are all camped by bots.

    Make server Permanent > FFA PvP > Fix CCs > Fix broken classes (SK's are not broken) > Anything after this would be a bonus and wouldn't complain if it was done sensibly.

    just my 2c
    Formal likes this.
  13. Frostfang Member

    I've seen so many noobs struggle to even get past the starting areas in FFA and the guards don't intervene either in same faction fights. Nothing wrong with Exile.
    Siren and Obano like this.
  14. sh33pOwner New Member

    necros rebuffed lich and first tick gave them a lot of mana so they could sprint and regen mana at the same time
  15. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

    Oh good catch, cant have that. Out of curious where do you stand regarding racial abilities? Specifically racial speed from Kerras and racial track
  16. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

    Well there is no pvp until level 10 so not sure how people would be struggling on the starting areas! The guards thing is interesting, ideally they'd attack the first player being aggressive towards another, regardless of faction
  17. Silat New Member

    Just a thought I was bouncing around.

    I think a way to meet in the middle on PVP gear would be to do it hunters quest style. Instead of/or along with the hunters quest. Make a daily writ/quest that requires killing say 3 different people (or classes?) in 3 different zones to get a pvp coin. Use this coin like the hunters currency with the same restrictions.

    Numbers could be adjusted this initial idea is just based on the hunters quest. No full sets this way due to the 2 item limitation but it still allows some unique ideas potentially. It would be reminiscent of the initial PVP gear in old school naggy.
  18. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

    I'd be for a writ system like that, especially if it required different zones/classes. One of the iterations of writs worked almost this exact way, I think the key is to limit the pieces to not make the system abuseable.
  19. Siren Well-Known Member

    Caith works on gear for EQ2 all alone. Caith also works on the PvP server all alone. Yes, the EQ2 team is very small! Caith has already said multiple times he can't handle making nor maintaining two different sets of gear. And all PvP gear with extra stats on it did was unbalance vet players vs new players/latecomers/alts and help kill Nagafen's population off for good.

    But if the PvP gear isn't much different than PvE gear, then why even bother? You're making it harder for the devs to launch a new PvP server for us and killing the potential for a new server instead of making it easier to accomplish.

    Why not just use raid gear and promote open dungeoning and open-world contested boss pulling for more PvP *and* better gear like in the primo earliest years of Nagafen? That worked best.

    We have one dev to work on this, and every exploiter under the sun is going to be using every cheat they can find (it happens every server) besides. Just spinning up a server and keeping an eye on them takes a lot more resources than they've really got, never mind introducing new gear that isn't needed and screws up the server population "just because."

    And then no matter what they'd make even if they could, most people would be complaining about it and driving it into the ground anyhow. Leave well enough alone, and let's get this new permanent PvP TL launched!

    A gold beta server at least a month long would be nice. We can work out existing kinks then.
    Frostfang likes this.
  20. Formal New Member

    I dont think you're understanding the concept of pvp gear. Enabling pvp gear would essentially help the smaller guilds get gear without having to rely on having numbers to pull mobs or raid etc. Doesn't matter if its slightly worse than pve/raid gear. If not, its gonna be the same 2 or 3 guilds with all the best gear, and then guess what? people get butt hurt and cry and quit