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Unfair Avatar Monopolizing

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Lordtomcat, May 23, 2013.

  1. Estred Well-Known Member

    Try 0 for the duration of my guild's existence on Guk. Still sad it broke down but hey, that's life.
  2. Saphirewind New Member

    We have many tapestries. But if you are a Scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse!
  3. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I was hoping someone would do that. ;)
    Wirewhisker and Cisteros like this.
  4. Suduire New Member

    There is an easier solution than smart loot. It is to just get rid of the fake itemization for different healer and tank patterns. Either have a single pattern for tanks, mages, scouts, and healers respectively, or patterns based on armor type, plate/chain/cloth/leather. Player loots patterns and unlocks the appropriate item. It is statistically much less likely for a server never to see a pattern and the patterns would better match the class setup of raids. I am not sure how many raids run with 3-4 druids and 3-4 plate tanks, but I have not seen one. Although, it will not fix the lack of drops such as jewelry and such.
  5. Cisteros Active Member

    But really, if Kourtney Kardashian's ***** baby-daddy can buy a Lordship, why can't anyone?
  6. Alenna Well-Known Member

    No. and I say that as being in a casual raid guild that will probably never see the actual Avatar and loot I do not want the Avatar Loot if I have not made the effort. this is one suggestion they need to put in the circular file container.
    Karagon and Estred like this.
  7. Luzionist Active Member

    So any word on the new avatars I am assuming that they are not static spawn points like the zeks but move around, is the loot better than what is on avatars now and are they gonna be more difficult encounters??
  8. Ucala Well-Known Member

    considering it will be all new/different loot, you can't say one is better than the other.
    aka new avatars won't drop the helms the currents do, they drop other stuff.
    as for difficult. Sol Ro is a truck. Prexus is pretty simple just strat heavy.*

    *these are as they are currently, I am sure some minor changes will/might happen before live
  9. Luzionist Active Member

    A truck you say, I remember at one point he was like growth is now
  10. Ucala Well-Known Member

    well in the course of 1 min he casted Incinerate 5 times, each one hitting for around 400k to the tank. so you are talking a 400k hit every 20ish sec. among other things happening, but not gonna say everything I know about him on here :p, with everything that was going on it made the MT mystic we had push 75k hps parse since it was only a min long, but a truck none the less
  11. Wonsokman New Member

    i mean it was more like 90k hps