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Unfair Avatar Monopolizing

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Lordtomcat, May 23, 2013.

  1. Lordtomcat Member

    Most Servers the Zek avatars are locked down by 1 guild.
    They have them on timer and are set to kill it again as soon as it pops.
    This is an unfair advantage for them.
    I believe there should be a zone to go into in order to kill them, with a lock-out timer so that all guilds can have a chance to kill them.
    I don't even care that the guild that monopolizes them can get on alts or whatever and kill it 3 times in a row Although it would be nice if this zone were maybe a account based lock-out.
    This IMO was a poor decision and a sever oversight.
    I would truly like some sort of feedback on this.
  2. Foretold Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid the only feeback you're going to get on this is they are contested... not instanced. If you want to down them, get your raid team out there and fight for them. That's the nature of contested mobs.
  3. Estred Well-Known Member

    Foretold is right, the guilds that put forth the effort to pull them get them. What you are suggesting basically defeats the point of them being Contested Bosses. If you want them, make a call list and form fast. Most Guilds that pull Avatar's will have them dead in 30 mins of them spawning so be vigilant and be faster, that is the nature of Contested Content.
  4. slippery Well-Known Member

    Even just watching during your raid time you're bound to get some, but most people that complain like this won't even go to that effort.
    StaticLex, Feldon, Mogrim and 4 others like this.
  5. Poachic New Member

    Pretty sure most of the servers have had Avatars killed by multiple guilds (except a couple).... but that means you have to put in an effort. If you want to kill instanced bosses go raid.
    Feldon likes this.
  6. Geothe Active Member

    You do realize that there is a pretty wide window on the respawn time, right? No, of course you don't.
    Feldon likes this.
  7. Estred Well-Known Member

    3-5 days to respawn.
  8. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Most servers have had multiple guilds kill them.
    There is a spawn window when they can pop, but its several days so that don't know exactly when. This knowledge could be obtained by anyone willing to put in the 'effort' to camp the spots where they spawn. I use 'effort' loosely here.
    So make them instanced instead of contested. You do realize if they did this to maintain balance they would either have to make the encounters much harder or nerf the loot. Something being 'contested' allows it to drop better loot for less difficulty compared to instance content since there is an added element of challenge, getting to it before others do.
  9. slippery Well-Known Member

    And there is vastly less of the loot introduced into the game.
  10. Ebofu Active Member

    lol unfair.
  11. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Do you understand that these avatars are CONTESTED content? That means if I hit it first, it's my mob. If you want to pull the avatar, you need to get your raiders awake and moving and in the area ready for the pop, then don't dither, pull it! They are perfectly "fair", whoever gets there first gets the pull, is all. If you do not have the "fire in your belly" to get out there poised and waiting, you don't get the Avatar.

    This is just the way contested content works.

    I assure you, there are Names out there with loot tables that have some very juicy drops in the 200-stat range. It's all HM, but if your guild can kill an Avatar, I think you're ready for HM, aren't you? I don't have loot tables for Baelon, Drinal, Dreadcutter or anything in the Siren's Grotto, but there's some decent stuff out there. Don't angst over avatars, kill what you can kill!

    The Sleeper's Tomb: Unearthed

    Harrow's End

    Dreadcutter: The Pirate Kings
    Neiloch likes this.
  12. Balbasur Active Member

    I have been saying this for ever now, this would be solved with a simple server announcement. But, the guilds that have them on lockdown will tell guild members to log on to the forums and troll the thread or say no no no. The reality is that Avatar do matter and the gear is a huge upgrade in terms of procs.
  13. Balbasur Active Member

    NO, these mobs are not contested they are farmed by a select few guilds big difference. And thx for linking all the hard mode gear .....; but, the fact is Avatar Charms are much more valuable same with the achievement ring.
  14. Balbasur Active Member

    Also, <integer number> stats doesn't necessarily mean it's better.
  15. Karagon Active Member

    You just simply want best loot for doing nothing. Mb after that message mobs should die if no one killed them in 1 hour? lol. Camping contested mobs is same part of event as killing them. So if you want loot, if you want kill them - just do something for it - as camping and calling your guild to kill it.
  16. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    If a guild can't be bothered to get a move on and contest an Avatar pull, they'll just have to settle for "next best", won't they? It's a choice each guild has to make: are we satisfied with raiding easy mode, hard mode, etc.? Do we think we could kill an Avatar? Are we willing to get off our hineys and do what it takes to get a pull in on an Avatar?

    If you are unwilling to put in the effort to get out and contest an Avatar spawn, you don't deserve the better loot. The guilds that have the Avatars on "lockdown" are exercising psychological warfare to to keep others from even trying to get in a pull. You want it, get that "eye of the tiger", get that "fire in the belly", get out of bed and call your guild and get out there ready to kill some Avatar.
    Alenna, Neiloch and Wirewhisker like this.
  17. Chronus Active Member

    If you camp them out during your own raid times and have a policy that if raid leader says avatar, you hit evac and guild hall call and the person who spots it plants a flag then you'll likely get there to have at least 1 pull. That's 4 hours a in a 48 hour window so what, a 1/12 chance of them popping in your raid time if they are available? Put in the effort and you'll get a few, I think 5 of our total amount have been during raid time and we're the 2nd guild on Splitpaw, with a very quick to call list guild at #1.
  18. Lalala New Member

    It's borring to see people use CONTESTED as banner for do shamed thing.

    Do you realize in EQ1 everything was contested it's not a new concept ? you have right to run against someone else, but the real meaning of contested is the running not when you get it. When you get the spawn, you build knowledge than other dont get.

    Anyway contested have never meen you can do everything you want, it's a community game you must have respect of other dont matter contested or not, and Monopolize is not allowed (at last for long period) unless they have changed politic in few years but i know even in EQ2 at some point it was not allowed.

    Best point to prove contested is not mean to be monopolized they have randomized a lot the respawn for help other to get it, and put the task harder to monopolize it.

    I m sure if they want they can say to a guild you have killed it 20 times in raw now you must stop to kill it for one month, let other play a few. At last if they add gut... if they wanted, like it's matter now :(
  19. Balbasur Active Member

    NO. They need to be contested --> Server Wide Announcement.
  20. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    I like the way, avatar gets handled, shows me, that i´m not that deep into this and got some other things todo.
    The loot is nice and fine and maybe the best you can find, didn´t bother me either....
    What i don´t understand, how many kills does it take, to get all the loot you want for a entire force (maybe the alts) before you don´t need any out of it.
    Perhaps, make the other turn and let the avatars handout some lootcoins, that can be trade in for things the raid actualy needs ?