Unacceptable , Please fix....finding completed pony quest.

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Cloudrat, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    Having to search completed quest journal to determine if you have completed the pony questline that is split between Signature and Tradeskill questlines is unacceptable.
    Please change icon designation in the ablitlies section for the upgraded pony.
    Please change pony color once its upgraded too would be nice:)
  2. Finora Well-Known Member

    Heck, I'd be happy if they just upgraded the spell name.
    Cloudrat likes this.
  3. Mae- Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't go so far as to say "unacceptable." Sloppy, maybe, and it would be nice if it were changed, but unacceptable? Pretty harsh.
    aspekx, Cloudrat, Shmogre and 2 others like this.
  4. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    We've been over this already.
  5. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    And yet, nothing has been done lol
    Galldora likes this.
  6. Galldora Well-Known Member

    I agree with Cloudrat -- this is an outrage! Oh, wait, Cloudy said unacceptable.. LOL, well, maybe not an outrage, but at least unacceptable. I mean, WHY? At the very least the spell should have a new icon to avoid confusion for those of us with lots of alts, but it would really be nice if the pony could look different somehow, too. Doesn't need to be totally redone with more packs and new equipment, but a color change would be nice.

    PS -- Edited to say, I'm mostly kidding here, I'm not outraged. :p Tongue is in cheek. I do find this lack of any acknowledgement that the pony has been upgraded to be odd, though, and it seemed to me like one of those things that would certainly be fixed. Heck, there not even any verbal acknowledgement at the end of the quest that the pony has actually been upgraded.
    Karrane and Cloudrat like this.
  7. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    +1 to that. Discovered my dirge hadn't upgraded the pony when she tried to send him off to gather Frostfell harvests....oops.
    Cloudrat likes this.
  8. Katz Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one that thinks Qho should have been a harvester reward instead of a mercenary? I would have loved to have sent him out to harvest for me after all that time.
    Feara, Charlice, Kraeref and 7 others like this.
  9. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Well he's worth nada as a merc. He crumples and dies with remarkable speed. I think he'd have made a great harvest 'pony' or a trade skill assistant.
    aspekx likes this.
  10. Fixit Active Member

    I guess Im missing the point of original poster here. How do you not know if your pony is upgraded or not? With a quest that takes as long as that one does of nothing but harvesting, you'd think you'd remember if you did that last little part to get the new pony or not. Even if you have multiple alts with the pony.

    Maybe a ring of roses around its neck showing it finished the "race" would be a nice change from the regular pony. But my guess is its too much work to change anything in appearance. It would have to me a whole new pony code for new look.

    As for Qho......
    I want a quest where I get to kill the little brat. Chasing him through the forests and hunting him down is my kind of revenge. The reward is his head on a silver platter!!!! :D
  11. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    complete the quest and hire the Qho mercenary, almost as much fun. Don't recall the upgrade quest as being tedious did it on 8 crafters in about a day
  12. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    Hypothetically, I have 9 crafters, that I rarely play. They all did the original pony Signature quest in 2011. New expansion comes along keeps me busy and I grab a pony upgrade on one or two of my crafters while doing other things.

    Now, I look at my hotbars and see icon to launch the pony. If it were an upgraded spell something about it would tell me, but not for the pony.

  13. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    It's not like it's a hard quest to complete. Get the upgrade on the rest of your toons: Problem solved.
  14. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    I have 8 crafters and 9 level 95 characters, at this point I run a spreadsheet to keep track of the special end line quest completions, not to mentioned a word processor journal on each character (going back to EQ1 and the first character I created on closed beta. I don't trust my memory at my age. In fact have we already been here or have we yet to arrive? If you look in your quest journal it would tell you
    Deveryn likes this.
  15. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    I did first pony in 2011 and as I have time I am upgrading the ones I have. now, you tell me when I look at this which one do I have? This is where I should be seeing a change:) There is no change after upgrading and there should be:)
  16. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The problem is figuring out which toons have already done it. If there are no holiday harvests and the pony didn't bring back a rare this time, there is no way to tell.
  17. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    Other than opening your quest journal and looking for the completed quest.

    Or being as tail-retentive as me and keeping track of all your alts advancements on paper. o_O
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I keep track of all my apprentice recipes, but I haven't quite gotten to keeping track of all their quests too :p
  19. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I keep track of major crafting achievements on a spreadsheet. It's a simple table with categories like Tinkering Skill, special recipe books and Gathering Obsession steps.

    If you're not sure if you've done the quest or not, you can first go to Mara to see if you have the anchor to Obol, then see if Steve Echgar is there. If you've done the quest, he'll be by himself next to the Stove building.

    You could also just find the quest under Completed / Tradeskill quests. It's the first level 95 quest, since they're alphabetically listed.

    If anything is unacceptable or outrageous, it's the fact that people will just jump on an idea without exhausting all options, including the one that took me only a few seconds.
  20. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    To put it in other words...

    It is ok that all your abilities, doesn't matter the kind or level are named the same, same icons etc, because you can look them all up...

    Hm... That's what is wrong with the upgraded Pony. It isn't the same pony anymore, so the spell summoning it should be renamed.

    Imagine as a healer kind of charakter you have 5 different resurrection spells... all are just called resurrect, they all have the same emblem... now, would that be ok because you can look them up?