Unable to use Overseer feature

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Rowf, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. Rowf New Member

    After buying the preorder for Reign of Shadows I am not able to use Overseer on my free account. According to everything I have been able to find (including the in-game message in the Overseer window) to use the feature you need either BoL or membership. After buying the preorder, the /show_account_features command shows that the account is flagged for BoL. Am I missing a step here or is membership necessary at some point to unlock Overseer access?
    Ir1shguy likes this.
  2. Ir1shguy New Member

    My wife and I have this problem too. We preordered Reign of Shadows and can see BoL on our features list but Overseers still says we need membership or BoL to access :(
  3. Zartil Active Member

    Overseer is membership required, it launched with BoL but you have to be a member to use it.