Two ideas for new recipes

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Niltsiar, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Niltsiar Guest

    1. Provisioner: what about food and drink recipes, that gives crafter stats? Maybe drinks for crafters and food for harvesters. As a provisioner I only have recipes for adventurers, why not for crafters and harvesters?
    2. Tinkerer: I’m looking for a recipe for mechanical horses or other mounts. You can use the model of the other mounts, but with a new texture, so it should not be to complicated, to build. And you can use a special reagent, that needs to be bought from a vendor, so the tinkered mount can have the same cost, as the normal mounts.
  2. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    Idea 2 exists, the Hover Devices, though they use a unique texture (the clouds from KoS). Idea 1 sounds kinda cool, and as a Provy, I'm always looking for more stuff to market to the hungry masses.
  3. ARCHIVED-Niltsiar Guest

    Dranikos I know that device. But thats not what I'm looking for. What I want is something like a mechanical horse or maybe the mechanical spiders, that are already in steamfont. Don't wanna have a flying cloud.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zehl_Ice-Fire Guest

    Idea 1: great idea! with choices of + progress or durability or sucess or combos for the really good stuff, maybe use a rare root to have all 3 stats.
    Idea 2: Won't happen probably unless next tier if they need some filler recipe ideas. There are already so many options of mounts and horses. Sure we'd all love more unique looking ones but it seems we'll just get more of the same with different colors. Actually when EOF was in the works I heard the new city status buyable horses would be some sort of clockwork horses but they just turned out to be the armored ones.