Trying Login Server....

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Feylone, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Feylone Active Member

    Okay, running thru the mornin ritual of my TAs. I go toon hop to the next in line and BOOM. The lovely trying login server rollby then cannot connect. Just me or has anyone else gotten this? I mean 1.5 hrs till downtime and it's gone belly up for me.
  2. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    Yes, same. I was on a Crushbone toon and knew about the downtime: I let it drop then tried to relog to my main AB toon and no go. Tried multiple times. Guess they forgot and took down the login server too!
  3. Gudum Active Member

    It appears they took all the servers down at 5:30 am - was on Freeport, and everyone was getting the message to log out because the server was going down.
  4. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    And it's being discussed at the News and Announcements forum on the downtime thread.
  5. Solus New Member

    Was on Antonia Bayle and was booted out and could not find a login server to reconnect.

    The servers are scheduled to go down at 7:00 AM PST, which would be 10:am Eastern.

    From working in IT support, my guess is that there were only a few folks logged on so they decided to get an early start...after all, we would only be disrupting customers and we already have their money...what can they do?

    Either that or some early bird tech spilled his coffee on the Loin Server's power distribution box.

    UPDATE: I am now guessing it was not deliberate disrespect for the customers or a Tech's clumsiness, it was just unthinking stupidity.

    As posted in the Downtime Notice, some servers would be going down early for extended maintenance. Here is an excerpt:

    The Guk, Everfrost, Crushbone, Permafrost and Oasis servers will have an extended downtime, coming down earlier at 5:30 am Pacific Time. In addition, the Valor (DE) Battleground server will be down at the same time as these servers.

    So, at 5:30 Pacific, instead of limiting the down time to just those servers, they whacked all the servers. Good quality control there guys.
  6. Chocoholic Active Member

    At 5:30 am, someone at SOE didn't have enough coffee yet :oops:

    Oh well, stuff happens - I'm more concerned that everything is WAI when the servers come back up.
  7. Solus New Member

    Still down after the projected 1 hour for the non extended down time servers.

    I guess they were too busy working on what was scheduled to be done and didn't get to working on what they screwed up