Troubador Raider AA Build and Advice

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Aelfan, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Aelfan Active Member

    I asked my guild what they wanted to help out in raids and the consensus was Troubador. I have played one before, but never to this level, and never in a real group, let alone a raid. I could do with advice regarding AA build and which buff to have up. I know that troubs can only have *some* of their buffs up, which are the ones that will be best? Any other advice would be welcome, also.
    Rosyposy likes this.
  2. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Auld, I look at EQ2U Leaderboards and compare several of the top toons of the class. I found troubies under Max Magic Hit. I then compare several in a Gear report like this.
    How recently have they played? Who has the highest resolve, health, Pot, AbilityMod? Look at their AAs - how are they the same? how are they different? Is each AA profile built for offense or defense? I also look at the gear - for instance, two of these troubies are wearing the same head piece. They are all using the same off-hand, mostly the same charms, etc.

    I wish it were possible to look at the top 100 of each class on the leaderboards, but at least this gives ideas on best in class. =)
    Aelfan likes this.
  3. Aelfan Active Member

    That was very depressing, although interesting. They all have their Epic, which means a LOT of work! Guess I'd better get started! I swore I would never do Kunark Ascending!

    The AA's were interesting, and somewhat suprising although in some cases agreeable. None seem to augment their stealth strikes (which I don't), and some didn't seem to care about shooting people (I like shooting people).
    Rosyposy likes this.
  4. RomanSergeevich New Member

    • Dexterous Sonata will now increase the Fervor of all profession abilities instead of Crit Bonus.
    lol 0.4 fervor What is that??...a banter or something?
    Rosyposy likes this.
  5. asherlayi New Member

    I’m raiding 2 times a week on troub doing tier 2/3 mobs. My always running buffs are Song of Magic, Rejuvenating Celebration, Raxxyl’s Rousing Tune, Aria of Magic (free concentration slot - think it's cloak rune? can't check, i'm at work), Graceful Avoidance. This leaves a spare slot for whatever I think is appropriate depending on the zone / group etc. – Arcane Symphony, Elemental Concerto, Recapture (etherealist spell) for a group member, Requiem of Reflection.

    I would make the effort to get epic – I appreciate yours is a new toon and you will have to work hard for it, but have you seen the look of it??? It’s an electric guitar! It does other nice things of course :eek:

    For the last few months I have been kinda slack on gearing up (new puppy – yay!) so I haven’t gone all out on ethereals and I’ve barely poked my head into guk and SoH heroics - so there are many, MANY better geared and parsing troubs but I do pretty OK, don’t wipe raids and I enjoy the class a lot – and this from someone who thought her dirge was the best thing EVER.

    So here’s the link to a kind of average troub if you are interested in my AA etc:-

    Good luck.

    p.s. A guitar!! Come on
    Rosyposy likes this.
  6. Dilon Active Member


    Yes you need to have your epic 2.0 done if you wish to raid. Now this may change or it may not with the new expansion but as of the date of your question and this reply, epic 2.0 needs to be done. It's not just for the weapon but also for the abilities, Troubs get a permanent group buff of +9 fervor at ancient level, and a toggle buff of +202 crit bonus overcap at ancient level.

    I also recommend that you take a look at some other profile's AAs and see what works. I very strongly recommend Jester's Ruse and left side spec in the Prestige Line but otherwise I don't want to get too far into the nitty gritty of AAs. Requiem is also essential.

    You mentioned stealth and ranged strikes. Troubador combat arts are not great to be frank. You will generate the vast majority of your DPS through ascension, Jester's Cap, Dagger Strike AA, and Victorious Concerto. The Troubador role is to augment the rest of the group while contributing some DPS. Embrace it.

    Troubs can permanently increase group fervor with their Epic 2.0 ability, can use allegretto buff to increase the fervor of spells by up to 8, can temporarily increase group fervor by 15 with requiem, and can increase CB overcap by 202 with their other Epic 2.0 ability. They also greatly augment the casting damage output of mages through Jester's Cap (with the Jester's Ruse AA selected) and perfection of the maestro. If you go etherealist you can improve groupwide fervor even more with Ethereal Gift.

    In addition, Troubs can get a good temporary in-combat speed buff and can improve dodge rates on both a perma-buff and temporary basis. If you go left side prestige you get a really good heal with power restore, groupwide cure, and heal over time components. Their versatility and ability to make others even better are why they are so in demand, but you are not going to see your name at the top of the parse in a strong raid force.
    Rosyposy likes this.
  7. Corran Member

    Most troubs will spec 95% the same with a few tweaks dependant on what mobs are being raided. you are more than welcome to use mine

    Picking a good asc class is vital for a troub as they are key to getting some good VC charges going and for your dps in general as our combat arts unfortunaltly suck :) good choice for troub is either etheralist or thaum for burst dps or elementalist for raiding but whichever you choose , use your subs SC to level up the level 10 potency buff its a big boost.

    your cast order generally is the three green debuffs always starting with demorilzing due to the fervor increase and maintain that always , then pre buff for VC chain then pew pew pew pew , rince and repeat

    oh and Moriza I would take a little look at your aa spec you can make a few little tweaks and get some nice boosts and boost buffs to group , for example you haven't taken resonance in the troub tree its little things but its worth playing about with aa for sure)
    asherlayi likes this.
  8. asherlayi New Member

    thanks Corran! Always learning :D