training tomes from scrying stone rainbows

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by girney, May 7, 2022.

  1. girney Active Member

    i have found all the marshall training tomes except the master tomes. do these still drop and if so is there a specific zone or just any zone with the rainbows?
    Twyla likes this.
  2. BobLoblaw New Member

    150 scrying stones netted me one(1) master arcanist’s greater training tome. This was about two months ago
    Twyla likes this.
  3. girney Active Member

    i spent way more than 150 stones and never saw any masters. just another frustrating event in eq2
  4. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    This was a mechanic the developers were toying with way back at the launch of the game. There's a reason why they haven't brought it back for any of the expansions. Even back in the day, it didn't give out anything that was all that valuable, including the spell tomes.
    Twyla and Breanna like this.
  5. girney Active Member

    i just want to do the tomes for the quest count. being a questor i will do any quest no matter the reward
    Breanna likes this.
  6. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I nearly forgot those existed, but you just reminded me that I did the same thing back in the day.
    Breanna likes this.