Tradeskill/Crafter search

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Calthine, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Is there no longer a way to search for crafters on EQ2 Players?
  2. ARCHIVED-Hellswrath Guest

    Apparently not. A guildy asked me how to search for crafters at the end of last week and I told him it should be in the options for class. After he told me it wasn't I checked myself for any way to search for crafters.

    Indeed, that functionality has been removed. About to add it to the stickied thread if it hasn't already made it there.
  3. ARCHIVED-ShallaBal Guest

    Yes, whoever is responsible for removing that functionality, we did notice.
    Now, does that change a thing? Nope.
    P.S.: If I ever took away a part of our service from a group of our customers without a good reason and without even mentioning it, I'd get fired. You are lucky that your employer is somewhat cooler about these things.