TLE Vote: Unlock Desert of Flame Expansion Content

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Detor Active Member

    True, but it just say 'tune in for news' and then the news is 'things are staying the same'. It would feel a lot more cohesive for them to say 'The vote was YES, now here's the work we just finished on making DoF harder than it is on live, we've rebalanced a bunch of stuff, and you can try it yourself soon because we're unlocking it tomorrow with a Friday morning patch!'
  2. bophus New Member

  3. Miroh Well-Known Member

  4. GBlack Active Member

    DoF passed? When they will roll it out?
  5. Keldo Member

    This is ********, that vote did not get anywhere near 66%; they're dropping it because they feel like it.
  6. bophus New Member

    You know this because?
  7. Fizzlespark420 New Member

    I can't find the results anywhere. I hate live streams (working). Take 5 minutes to type it out for those of us that don't get into those sort of things.
  8. bophus New Member

    Next thursday
  9. Lisiana Member

    the vote passed on both tle servers, let the flaming begin! seriously and let live.
  10. Lodrelhai Well-Known Member

    Grats to the folks who wanted DoF!
    Chocoholic likes this.
  11. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    To be honest, I'm really starting to wish they had never done the TLE servers. So much nastiness from both sides. It seems to have really polarised the players.

    I'm not playing on Stormhold again. Nothing to do with expansion unlocking but everything to do with the way the players are behaving. I'd much rather stay on a server which is peaceful and polite (and yes, there are still people on Splitpaw).
  12. Crankers-TL New Member

    Next Thursday ? Why not Tuesday?
  13. bophus New Member

    Bye Felicia
  14. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    My point exactly.
  15. bophus New Member

    Maybe it isnt everyone else. Maybe a good look in the mirror is in order. you came out being nasty, so i reciprocated. No one cares when one person threatens to leave. They just dont. I dont play this game for you or anyone else. I dont know you, you dont know me. i think it is better that way.
  16. Junih New Member

    Why can't we all, just, get along...
  17. bophus New Member

    So the people that voted "no" are now threatening to leave, they really arent though. A lot of those people are the same people that told those who were threatening to leave if the "yes" vote didnt prevail. Seems about right. If you leave the game becaus you didnt have it your way, you werent happy to begin with and were already planning on leaving. If you quit this game because you dont like the people on the forums, you had already quit or are a troll.
  18. Vinyard Active Member

    Classic EQ2 was terrible and boring. Stop living in the past. Onward to the future and much better experiences (Get to EoF/RoK/TSO ASAP)
    bophus likes this.
  19. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    I didn't come out being nasty. I expressed my opinion that BOTH sides have behaved badly and that I will be doing what is right for me. At no stage did I call anyone names, or made nasty or sarcastic comments about anyone else. At no stage did I insist that anyone else do what I am doing. Yes, my opinion is that I almost wish the TLE servers had never been opened because they seem to have brought out the worst in the player base. I am not threatening to leave, but I will be returning to my home server as is my right.

    I don't know you, you don't know me, neither of us cares to either. I'm sure you're a good person, though.

    FYI - I voted Yes.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  20. Dragoneyes New Member

    Have to agree with you here,I have found the general chat and player's I have come across to toxic or just down right rude and in chat there is way to much b*tching and shouting down other players views..I used to expect this from F2P game communities but seems it's rolled over to subscriber's ...sad really.
    Moonpanther, Vanikha and Rhodris like this.