[TLE] Raiding Axiom Thoughts.

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Adoninilol, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Atan Well-Known Member

    I mostly agree here, this is a nostalgia server, and while mechanics changes that can't be undone require some tweaking of the mobs to be somewhat relevant again, it shouldn't be such an over correction. Particularly like Darathar which should be more widely accessible to the nostalgia fan base. I think it is fine to put a couple of encounters at the competitive edge for those types of players, but at best just a couple of encounters and not ones that are part of the lore/quest epic.

    Or maybe my perception is false? Maybe this isn't intended to be a nostalgia server and it is intended to be another place for hardcore gamers to pine their epeeens, but I didn't get the impression that was the intent of this TLE. Certainly someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    Isn't that what contested Vox and The Kra'thuk were supposed to be?
  3. Blindside New Member

    Working as intended
  4. Atan Well-Known Member

    I believe so, but I don't have anything hard to base that on other than my own assumption.

    Quite honestly, it could be some of the mobs in SOTL instead of being contested, but I leave that up to the designers to make a call on.
  5. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    Vox certainly, and venekor too perhaps. The kra'thuk is easy assuming you have a couple semi-competent enchanters, so if that was intended to be hard, that's a fail. The other instanced raids seem well enough tuned for pretty much any casual guild with a kitchen sink raid comp. The only outliers right now are darathar and instanced vox.
  6. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Honestly, what is happening is the devs simply don't want things to die. I am assuming they are just gonna nerf the mob when they feel as if we should kill it, so then that way we can't say we have "cleared" the expansion this quickly. It's quite obvious if we pulled Darathar the way he was on 7/10/2017, that the mob would be dead by now. When we pulled it we had a horrible raid set up and a guardian in basically full treasured armor.

    Another problem at the moment is mobs hit really hard instead of very quickly making everything require a channeler. I honestly think it's impossible to clear majority of the harder mobs without one, unless you do a cheese 3healer 3 guardian group setup or something.
  7. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    The question is: is the nostalgia only for a few players? Back in KoS-TSO people would raid 4-6 days a week at minimum in hardcore raiding guilds, and have contested call lists. The content just simply isn't hard enough to require such hardcore raiders or times. I don't believe that any raidforce or raid guild just thrown together should be able to clear everything, otherwise it makes the game pointless to play, however I also feel as if I shouldn't have to put in old hardcore times to kill things.

    Disturbance was raiding what, four days a week maximum? Wfhich is probably a bit too much for these servers given the state of the content, back in KoS on Stormhold it really didn't matter how "good" you were or how much time you put in, the mobs were simply unkillable. It appears the same situation is happening now with Darathar, whoever decides to pull it weekly to see if they changed it is gonna get the server first prismatics regardless of player skill or time spent raiding/farming gear just due to the way the expansion works.
  8. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    Exactly, it feels like right now it's "which guild got lucky enough to raid on the day it was ninja nerfed", which for progression purposes is totally useless (for those of us who care at least). At least if we knew changes we being made we could form up on non-scheduled nights to take a crack at it.
  9. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    In todays ridiculous changes: Venekor in spirits of the lost has roughly 60million health points, yet when we cleared him for the first time on 07/13/2017 he had around 2million health points!
  10. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    SotL Venekor is broken...if you wipe while the clicky is up, you basically have to abandon the zone because it continues to stun you.indefinitely.
  11. Ummmyeh Active Member

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Or as W. said "Fool me once, shame on--shame on you. Fool me--you can't get fooled again!"
  12. Torrin Member

    It actually stops after a time, it seemed to at least. But yes unless today was another change, SotL Venekor is absurdly overtuned. With patience and luck it is probably killable. Not sure anyone wants to spend the time it would take to down all that health just for a single box chance when can do more lucrative things in that time.

    So the tally thus far is:
    Darathar: Unkillable
    SotL Venekor: Unkillable (slim possibility it *is* killable after an hour of beating on it..)
    Contested Venekor: Killable(still? I actually missed the raid Neustart killed it on and dunno if it's been killed again since)
    Vox: no idea
    Kra'thuk: Killable, Easy even.

    Seems their tuning is all over the place. And that is the problem. It is obvious whomever is doing the raid adjustments has no clear plan of progression.
  13. Atan Well-Known Member

    You are correct.

    I hung out in zone after rest of guild ported out and did their AFK before the next zone, and the idol did eventually stop its script.

    If I had to guess it was somewhere in the range of 15-20 minutes after it bugged before it finally stopped.

    There is clearly a bug here that when Venekor resets the idol is not also resetting. I do suspect had we waited a little while longer before someone hit the revive button, the script might have cleared properly.

    The zone in general though, Venekor is over tuned, the rest of the mobs are just a joke. Every other named died before my any of my abilities refreshed, so like dead in 8 casts. I suppose that is fine given it is T5, but the gap between the rest of the zone and Venekor is, um, lightyears.

    The way the rest of the zone hits and the HP levels are, I'm confident I could one group it.
  14. Flossie Member

    My name is Flossie and I approve this message.

    COMMUNICATE. As Birds said, when we server first Venekor he had 1.2m hp, the next day he was buffed to 50m hp and had his base damage buffed (sigh), then a couple days later he was ninja nerfed down to 12m hp and base damage lowered. This was all done with zero communication. So there we were, not pulling Venekor because we assumed he was still broken/overtuned until the next Tuesday patch, and another guild comes along and happens to pull him at the right time and kills him. If there was ANY SORT OF COMMUNICATION we would not have passed up the opportunity to pull him in lieu of another zone.

    Plan out the progression, tune accordingly, and adjust incrementally, and please, let us know with something like "Venekor has been adjusted to be in line with progression."
  15. Dimek Member

    This has the stench of Stormholds KoS xpac cluster**** all over it. People beat content, cry OMG its to EZMODE, devs extreme buff it to please these people, ruining it for others.
    Xephane likes this.
  16. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    The difference is, we didn't ask for an "extreme buff". We simply asked for somewhat challenging content, buffing a mobs hp by x3 or x4 would be fine so fights are actually 5-6 minutes long. However buffing a mob to an hour long fight so that way we can't clear the content at all, is just ridiculous.
  17. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    First of all, LOL @ KoS being "EZMODE". From what I heard that expac was damn near impossible to do when it launched. Secondly, they are not pleasing anyone with these kinds of tactics, least of all us - I mean, did you even read the OP? I don't think anyone in our guild "cried" that it was too easy. We may have informed the devs, like hey, this stuff is probably way easier than you intended. Of course we heard nothing in response. Imagine our surprise when we form up for our next raid and get our collective sh*t pushed in on a mob with 50x the hitpoints and 3x the damage.

    We killed contested Venekor twice in one night, and then the next day he was buffed. Not like, slightly buffed, but unkillable buffed. Then he was nerfed to about the right level. But with zero communication, it was just luck of the draw that another guild happens to pull him on the day it gets nerfed and is killable again. I realize top-end raiding is not for everyone, and maybe you have zero interest in our concerns (although quite why you are in a thread about it if that's the case I don't know) but we have just as much right as anyone to enjoy the content. We pay our subs just like anyone else, and in many cases spend a lot of $ on extra stuff to get a leg up. And when we are continuously having the rug pulled from under us on an almost daily basis, that makes us frustrated and less inclined to log in. And lost logins are lost $ for DBG. So sure, if you want to see us as crybabies, and insult and berate us, then go ahead, if it makes you feel better.
    Flossie and Draknox like this.
  18. Surgeon Active Member

    This is the 2nd iteration of TLE. The 2nd.
    I considered Stormhold beta quality.
    THIS should've been the real deal.

    I have like 1 1/2 years of Krono left from RTT so I play for free.
    And what at first seemed like a wtf community it has improved some.

    What I read in this thread is just the people who call themselves devs trolling the players, trying to stall progression.
    It's the same **** that has always been going on at, when it was SOE, and it's only worse now that they're Daybreak.

    TLE is the chance to gather new people to like the game. Instead they're again ******* it up.
    I hit 28 yesterday, nowhere near raiding.

    They nerf shinies? Ok whatever. But the extremely slow exp rate is realy ******* boring the **** out of me.
    3 days, full days, of only one and the same dungeon? It might be interesting for new people who really never played the game before and there really are some of them on FG.

    All things said, I'm having semi-fun grouping because of the new people I meet, doing one and the same dungeon over and over for a couple of days does get very boring. Back in the day you could grind overland mobs and they would give you more exp than dungeon mobs. I'm not sure if that's still the case.

    20% more exp and faster runspeed (29% is awfully slow, idc about druids ********).
    DB sadly equals quick cash and no long term goal.

    FG is where EQ2 is at right now. "No one" plays live anymore. Better not **** it up, but who am I talking to anyway?
    When it smells like **** and looks like ****, why do people expect **** not being **** when it was **** since 99.
    In their minds they're still competing with WoW and the most glorious MMORPG out there and the only one that matters.
    That's simply not the case anymore. Wake up to reality and see your 3000-some player base that are here to have a good time and not grind their ***** off or get carpal tunnel syndrome.
    But I'm talking to a wall, the arrogance of Kander isn't touched by this footfolk babble, right. Right.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  19. Tupperbeast Active Member

    Surgeon if you want to say something against Kander, you will always talk with the wall because it does not interest what Dev we think or say. I have rarely seen a person like kander seen so stubbornly living on his things and this plays back in the play or in Discord.
    Daybreak will receive their receipt when pantheon appears, there the Devs are working more really with the players and try to put a finished product on the legs. And yes, they have only a small Team.
    To release another server was the biggest joke that Daybreak could ever make as if we had not already enough empty or dead servers lying around. Instead of working on this story, no, they make the same mistakes as before, as this team works you can not even put into words, but only because head shaking and say Eq2 Dev team sucks.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  20. Mashef Member

    So I am guessing many of you and your guildmates who are disappointed in end game content are new to raiding. Let me take a minute to explain how raiding end game works so you noobs understand..

    1. You act as a beta test. Afterlife and FOH proved this for years in EQ1. If you raided end game you tested content. Drops werent published and loot was discovered as you go over time and chronicled by the community.

    2. Expect content to change drastically if you are super hardcore and want to beat an expansion in 2 weeks. Congrats, power gaming wasn't as real when this game was created. People generally just have fun the first time around and what many are doing this time around.

    3. By racing to the end and raiding end game within 4 weeks, you have dedicated yourself to testing raid content and farming the same thing for 8 to 10 weeks. There are like maybe 2-4 guilds interested in this. So that is like 100 people on a full server. Congrats, you are the minority. YOU test for US. We, the normal players, thank you kindly.

    4. Get over yourself. This thread is nothing more than a humblebrag. Oh you killed something weeks ago and now it changed woe is me. Pathetic.
    Xephane and Dude like this.