(TLE) Adding Seasonal Event (Haunted House)

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Jnrai, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. Jnrai Member

    It's come to my attention that Fallen Gate doesn't have the Halloween feature where the player talks to a goblin in Qeynos or Freeport, and gets a quest to explore a local haunted house to experience a cheesy jump scare and fight spiders and skeletons. Well, this was always something I looked forward to, and many of the players on FG feel it's unfair to exclude this event from our server.

    Fallen Gate has access to NotD cosmetic masks, krono, jumper mounts, vitality potions, familiars, research, basically a number of unrelated features that weren't around during the vanilla launch of EQ2. They were added to enhance the EQ2 Time Locked experience. It's a fair point to say based on Stormholds untimely demise Fallen Gate might not make it to next years Halloween. This server could miss out on popular events and that is a hard blow for anyone who plays Fallen Gate and has an appreciation for nostalgic events.

    Surely adding the Halloween Haunted house event would be a positive experience that everyone on Fallen Gate could enjoy. We would quietly chuckle to ourselves as the cheesy zombie jump scare manages to scare us a little bit like it has last year and the year before that. I suggest adding this event to the server, there are differences on TLE and vanilla like krono, vitality, familiars; adding a seasonal event is unlikely to cause any major changes besides an appreciation from your veteran fanbase. Please Consider!!
  2. Dilf Member

    Why add in an event for a server you think is dead by next year? FG certainly will be around next year, with or without you.
  3. SocialDisease New Member

    they need to open up the dungeon maker for player made dungeons again i missed the old player made haunted house killing spree's and the sheer number of differently designed haunted dungeons - i never got bored which seems to be the case with the grind in this game as of late.....VERY boring.