Thuuga charm

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Elcarp, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Elcarp Guest

    Which do you think is better for the swashie? +27 agi or an extra 2 melee crit chance? This is the deciding factor for which aspect of the Thuuga charm i take
  2. ARCHIVED-Delowen Guest

    +2 melee crit is the better choice IMO, it will boost your DPS since it affects autoattack and combat arts. Crit chance is based on mob level, 100% only means you have 100% crit chance on a mob your level or below.
    AGI boosts our power pool, avoidance and now base critical mitigation. All of those are important but 27 agi wont give you that much of a boost in any of them.